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8 days later...


It was only 6 more days. 6 more days and I can finally leave for Korea. I call for my friends to come over to my apartment. Before i knew it, they reached in a few minutes

"YO, WHAT'S UP , GORILLA!" Yunho shouted and ruffled my hair.

"Don't call him that, Yunho! How are you Jongho?" Hongjoong scowled at Yunho and then asked me.

"Eh, I'm fine. Come in" I told all of them.

They barged in and knocked themselves out on the couch. Yunho was going to grab a snack from my cabinet and I opened my gallery and scrolled through. I looked at the photos I saved of Yeosang. Then San ruins the mood.


Everyone crowded around my phone and passed around the phone to look at the photo of Yeosang.

"hey, give it back to me!" I ordered them.

"Are you sure he isnt your boyfriend?" Mingi teased.

"H- Yeosang is just a friend.." I said

"JUST? You always text him in class or break times. He isnt your boyfriend...yet" Yunho exposed him.

"Cant a friend do that? Whatever" I scoffed, snatching my phone back.

"Hey, don't get mad, alright" Hongjoong tells me.

"I'm not. I just.. never mind." I say so.

I forgot that Yeosang wanted to call and I couldn't stay in the room since my friends are here so I have to call him with the guys.

"Yeosang is calling me so don't do anything stupid or I'll kick you out of my house" I warned them.

"Gee, alright, big boy" San nudged me playfully.

bold- yeo
italic- jongho or the others

Yeosang picked up my call and he was in his room preparing paint brushes, palettes, paint tubes and a banner.

"hey jjong, how are you?"

"Jjong? That's a nice nickname"

"answer my question."

"Yeah, I'm fine. How about you gorgeous?"

"Eh, alright."

"Huh, you got used to it?"

"You mean the 'gorgeous' ?"


"no, I'm not used it still. I'm trying to ignore it"

"I don't think you ever will, haha. what are you making?"

"Did i not tell you yesterday that i would decorating a banner??"

"Upset much? Anyway,I forgot, okay."

"Fine, I'll let it go cause you're handsome..."



"You're so panicky"

"Not. Anyway, whats up"

"My friends are here with me so please bear with me"

"Say hi to them for me"

He was smiling as he was painting. God, such a fucking unreal beauty.

gorgeous | jongsang ffWhere stories live. Discover now