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We came over to Yeosang's place in pyjamas and we brought our own clothes for the next day too. I knocked on the door and Yeosang appeared in front. He was in a sleeveless black top and comfortable black pants.

"H-hey!" He greeted.

He was eyeing my shirt and he shook his head.

"Come in! Hahah.."

I'm not dumb, Yeosang. I saw that.

We entered and there was Wooyoung. And i guess that's the boyfriend he mentioned all the time.

"This is Seonghwa. Seonghwa, that's Yunho, Hongjoong, San, Mingi and Jongho" Yeosang explained.

"Ah, okay. I see why you talk about Jongho a lot. He is hot" Seonghwa teased Yeosang.

I look at Yeosang and he was flustered. Wooyoung cackled and Yeosang glared at him. But he didn't dare to glare at Seonghwa.

"Seonghwa! Keep your mouth shut!" Yeosang demanded, pushing his shoulder.

"Alright, alright ~"

Everyone sat on the floor and Wooyoung started speaking.

"Let's play a game! Play rock paper scissors and the final winner will give the final loser a dare. No truths!" He confidently suggested.

Everyone agreed and we started playing. Eventually, Yeosang lost to Wooyoung. He was whining and fussing that Wooyoung gives the dumbest dares.

"Let me tell you the dare, asshole!" Wooyoung shouted.

"UGH WHATEVER" Yeosang snapped

"NOW, I dare you to dance to Justin Timberlake's Sexyback for 30 seconds while I record you"

"What even-?!"

"GO before i get Seonghwa to smack your stubborn ass"

"I would never hurt Sang!" Seonghwa said in disbelief.

Yeosang stood up and stood in the middle of the big circle. Wooyoung was snickering as he played the song. As a start, Yeosang snapped his fingers to the rhythm of the interlude. We clapped to the beat as well to support him. He got shy and covered his face with his other hand and Wooyoung aggressively supported him by screaming his name.

"YOU CAN DO IT YEOSANG, LET'S GOOOO" Wooyoung shouted. We felt like our ears could bust at any point of time.

Yeosang eventually gained confidence and did so many body rolls in front of the camera. He even brushed his hair back for the effect of our crazy cheers. But I wasn't screaming or anything. Just gazing. Damn I didn't know he could look this attractive.

Wait, he always was.

When he was done , he flopped on the ground, dying inside. He got up and sat next to me, regretting why he even lost the game. I got near to his ear and talked.

"Hey, it's fine. It's kind of worth it seeing you like that cause it's rare" I encouraged him.

His breathing stopped for a moment and he looked down. His face was visibly red.

"Th-thanks." Yeosang replied back, holding my hand.

"You're a nervous wreck" I pointed out.

"N-no! Am not !!"

"You look awesome when you dance, don't sweat it."

"But i-"

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