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I banged my head on the wall and went crazy. I couldn't forget about last night. Oh, God. I want it to happen again. My friends looked at me in concern.

"Jongho, you okay?" Hongjoong confronted.

"Huh? Yeah, of course I'm fine...NO I'M NOT. I like Yeosang so much. Like, so so much. I don't even know what to do anymore! The conversation between us last night literally made me feel like we were, MORE THAN THAT, YOU KNOW?! I-" I rushed. But was disrupted.

"Then why don't you take him out on dates for a few weeks?" San suggested


"A date. You know, bring him to places, get to know him better and maybe...even fall even harder for each other. You can make it go on for weeks until he's normalised being with you!"

"Wait, that's a great idea."

"Why not.. ask him out now? But of course the first date doesn't have to be today."

"Yeah, I should! Thanks San."

"No problem!! Now, let me continue to watch the movie with them."

I went in my room and sat on my chair. I disconnected my phone from the wire of the charger. I dialed Yeosang's number which he had finally given me yesterday.

I waited for him to pick up. And lucky for me, he did.

"Jongho!! Hi!" He sounded very excited.

"Hey, Sangie. Is it weird or sudden? You know, if i ask you something?"

"It isn't...? Ask away"

"Can I take you out on a few dates? Starting from any time you want, of course."



Fuck. He was asking me out. BUT HE'S ASKING ME OUT FOR A FEW DATES. I'm sweating right now. You won't believe how numb my hands went.

"Y-yeah! Of course! I would love it so much! I mean- not really! BUT! Ugh, you know what I mean, right?" I begged, hoping he'd understand.

"I understand you all the time" He responded with a reassuring smile.

"So, when do you want to start?-" He asked.

But since I was a nervous wreck, I replied fast. And i really wanted to go out with him besides being stuck at the apartment while third wheeling WooHwa.

"TOMORROW! We can.. start tomorrow. Yeah. Haha.."

"Okay then. I'll pick you up and 11 am and we'll have lunch??"

"That's nice! I'll see you, Jjong"

"Oh, and wear whatever is in that box I gave you. See you too, Sangie"

We hung up and I screamed in my pillow. I'M GOING OUT WITH JONGHO. WEEEE I DON'T NEED TO THIRD WHEEL WOOYOUNG AND SEONGHWA ANYMORE!! I stopped screaming in my pillow and fixed my hair. I pretended like nothing happened but I was internally screaming.

By the way, I still haven't opened Jongho's present that he gave to me last night. So I decided to do that then. I took the box from my table and opened it. It was a ring. There was a butterfly on it.

 There was a butterfly on it

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