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I woke up as soon as Jongho tapped on my shoulder. He laughed at me and I was confused.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me!" I huffed.

"Come on, let's go~" He ruffled my hair.

"I'm older than you!"

"But i can't take it cause you look younger"

"Whatever stinky"

"Excuse me! I used a perfectly refreshing cologne."

I sniffed his neck unconsciously and said,

"I'll give it to you, it smells good."

"You do realise you just smelled my neck right."

I froze and laughed awkwardly.

"OkAyYY, SoOoO,, where are we?" I changed the subject.

I saw Jongho taking out the bag from the car and he excitedly brings me inside the beach. A different one from yesterday. He took out a mat from the bag and set it on the sand. It was quite cold today.

"I-is this a picnic?" I asked. I should really stop asking.

"What does it look like?"


"I don't really cook but it's just for today. Sorry if the food doesn't taste good as you expect it to be" He explained to me as he takes out the containers from the bag.

He opens them and there was so much to choose from.

I quickly used the chopsticks he passed me and went straight for the fried chicken. It tasted so good..?!?!

"This is so yummy, oh my god i should stop ordering chicken online and just invite you over to my house to make it for me." I told him as a joke. But bro, i don't think it's a joke. I actually need him to cook it for me more often.

"Maybe I will. But you can't have too much chicken just so you know."

"Of course i know that!"

I continued eating the chicken and he raised a brow, his head pointing for me to eat the gimbap and other stuff.

"Ugh, fineee..." I whined stubbornly

I finished my chicken and pick up a piece of gimbap but I fed it to Jongho.

"Eat up!" I exclaimed.

He gripped my arm and laughed as he chewed. He took his own chopsticks and picked up a piece of beef and he held it in front of me.



I asked for him to open his mouth. He was very hesitant but he shyly ate the food I was feeding him. He covered his mouth and hummed in satisfaction. The windy breeze blew past us and his hair flowed perfectly. I guess I call myself lucky. We enjoyed eating by the beach since it was cooling.

We were done eating and Yeosang groaned.

"I'm full!" He slurred.

"What do you want me to do about it."

"Rub my stomach. I see Wooyoung and San do that at the party."

"Wow, they got that close?"

"Duh. They even call themselves amicus ad aras now."

"Okay then I'll rub your cute tummy"

gorgeous | jongsang ffWhere stories live. Discover now