Laughing Undead

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Horror felt his breath raking from his nasal cavity as he marched down to the frantic warriors surrounding a lone hostage, feeling a growing Determination rising within the depths of his Soul. The spirits around and within him were practically frenzied by his contagious whirlwind of emotions.
He was stressed.

He saw his father figure gravely injured after just having gotten out of a battle with the one person he was most terrified of, only to..
Find Gaster there.

Not an alternate. He remembered his old man, how he felt, how he acted..
That.. concern over his scar struck him deep.
After all those years of problems that were the cause of his father who was gone…
But he didn't mean to.
That face, that loss…

He growled to himself, ignoring the chorus of voices asking of his welfare, demanding to enact vengeance on his part, hammering with questions-
"Shut. Up." He finally snapped, hissing at the innumerable spirits. "I need.. I need a minute." He glanced behind himself, seeing the crowd behind and around him, yet seeing through them.

Ghost met his gaze, Phantom standing just beside him in concern.
The taller bent over slightly, flashing as kind of a smile as he was able to before speaking in as gentle of a voice he could manage.
"Should we go home for a while, other brother?"

The expression on his face, so kind and so understanding…
Made him miss his own brother.
"Yeah." He ignored the crack in his voice. "The fighting's over for now. I need a minute. Please."

Ghost rested a hand on his shoulder as Phantom hugged him tightly, the embrace still so ethereal and weightless. The shorter spirit smiled.
"It's been an unexpectedly long day. We should all just chill out and give you a minute of silence, right?" He asked the conduit, though speaking loud enough for a good number of others to hear him.

Thankfully, everyone either agreed or decided not to fight against it as they were all drawn in. He couldn't stop the sigh of relief when he was met with the relative silence around him, the only thing left being the muted, easily forgotten murmurs within him and the panicked shouts close by- right.

He glanced back over at the group, seeing Saphira crawl over to join the gathering.
Yes, he nearly forgot. He wanted to know what was wrong with those soldiers, what made them so supposedly unkillable. He'd find out about Cicállaé later.

He teleported over, beside Saphira's right talon as he got a good look at the single human standing in the center of the wary circle. The first thing he noticed was the blood pouring out in dark sheets from below one of the human's ribs, then the odd birthmark on his neck and the arrow pinning his right foot to the packed dirt. Then he went cold as the human suddenly laughed, a sound not unlike a madman, eerily close to that insane skeleton, 404.

"What are you?" Cried the Surdan king from atop his steed on Saphira's other side. The lone man just chuckled at him.
Orrin swore and addressed him again.
"Answer me, or I'll let my spellcasters at you. Be you man or beast or some ill-spawned demon?! In what foul pit did Galbatorix find you and your brothers? Are you kin of the Ra'zac?"

It didn't escape him when he noticed Eragon sit bolt upright at the last sentence. The horrifying human paused his derisive humor.
"Man. I am a man."
"You are like no man I know." Orrin accused.
"I wanted to assure the future of my family. Is that so foreign to you, Surdan?"

"Give me no riddles, you fork-tongued wretch! Tell me how you became as you are, and speak honestly, lest you convince me to pour molten lead down your throat and see if that pains you."

The other fell into near maniacal giggles once again.
"You cannot hurt me, Surdan. No one can. The king himself made us impervious to pain. In return, our families will live in comfort for the rest of their lives. You can hide from us, but we will never stop pursuing you, even when ordinary men would drop dead from exhaustion. You can fight us, but we will continue killing you as long as we have an arm to swing. You cannot even surrender to us, for we take no prisoners. You can do nothing but die and return this land to peace."

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