Power of Destruction, Madness of Emotion

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Omega groaned, pressing his hands into his sockets in aggravation.
"What do ya mean by all this? Makin' no damn sense."
"That's why we don't talk about it in the first place. It's just incomprehensible to those outside of the general experience." Reaper explained.

"I mean, it probably doesn't help that you've literally never known the experience of being.. a regular person. Who doesn't exist well past their own body." GB pointed out.
"Aren't there gods here who used to be mortal? Maybe we can ask one of those?"
"Like Error? Who hates conversation?" The god of death countered.

"Look, it's worth a shot if we're going to be understanding any of this at all." Draco huffed.
"I guess that's fair." Reaper spread out his hands, smiling tiredly.
"I'm just wondering how you'll catch up and get him in the mood for talking. He was pretty upset when Unity ran."

"Why aren't you worried about that, anyway?" Omega asked.
"Why would we be? Error knows that he's just currently possessing Blue, and he'd never hurt his friends. Unity's just scared because of what Error is. Destruction is one of his few true weaknesses, and he's never really been anything but a pacifist." He elaborated.
"..Huh." Omega had nothing to say to that.

Draco then shuffled awkwardly in place, glancing at the currently very silent and still Life.
"You hear that?"
"What?" Omega looked up even as Reaper paused.
"The thumping. Or really weird rumbling." GB told him, squinting as he cocked his skull to the side.

After a long moment, Reaper straightened. "What is he doing?" He questioned no one in particular, looking back the way Error had gone after the insectoid deity.
Everyone else quickly followed his gaze.

Something dark red was weaving through the enormous trees, it's own size frightening to behold as it's indecipherable edges rippled with it's bewildering movements.
"The fuck is that?" Omega demanded, not getting an answer for a good minute.

"Is that.. Error again?" GB squinted.
"What?" Draco regarded him quizzically.
"That is Error.. but I do not know why he has gone back to that form." Life confirmed somewhat uneasily.
"Okay what form??" Omega insisted, stepping forward.
"That's what I'm wondering about!" Draco exclaimed, not taking his lights off the shape.
"How is that thing Error?"

By now the rumbling was impossible to miss, the figure revealing itself to be gigantic indeed as it made its way through the trees, glimpses of vibrant blue and charcoal grey revealing themselves in between masses of red and red-black.

They all stared as the figure gradually became clear, the grey revealing itself to be a massive, broad skull full of black teeth and beset with heavy, frontward curling horns. The red was a strange body of numerous, undefined limbs that definitely included some kind of wings, the blue turning out to be an upturned underside. The red-black was still unclear, at least until it stopped a hundred yards off and stared at them.
Spines. It was covered in spines.

The tremendous creature then took off at a gallop, jolting the earth with each step until it was sliding to a thunderous stop with a taloned foot feet away. It towered over them, even taller than Draco, who had backed up and pulled GB back with him, leaving the pair of gods and Omega to stare at the beast as it heaved with an angry aura.

"Error, what are you doing?" Life asked.
The unmistakable red sockets squinted before the near iconic eyelights zeroed in on her.
A weight then pressed down on his thoughts, breaking into his mind without so much as a care for his concerns.
Little insect ran away. I wanted to talk but fine, fine, two can play that game. Ant wanna act like I'm a murderous spider? Fine, I'm a fucking spider. Where'd he go.

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