Multiverse in Alagaësia

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Eragon and the main team stretched in the hallway as some sneered at the Twins entering the study.
"I'm sorry that you're in trouble because of me." Eragon apologized to Orik.
"Don't bother yourself." He answered with a grunt. "Ajihad gave me what I wanted."
Eragon reeled at the statement, Nightmare chuckling at his shock. "What do you mean? You can't train or fight, and you're stuck guarding all of us. How can that be what you wanted?"
The dwarf stared at him silently. "Ajihad is a good leader. He understands how to keep the law yet remain just. I have been punished by his command, but I'm also one of Hrothgar's subjects. Under his rule, I'm still free to do what I wish."

Eragon thought about that. "In other words, Ajihad placed this good dwarf in a powerful position as a form of punishment."
"That's gonna piss off the Twins." Red chuckled, hands in pockets.
"And in a way that they can't complain about. A tricky one, that Ajihad." Orik grinned. "Come on, I'm sure you are all hungry. And we have to get the dragon settled in."
She hissed.
"Her name is Saphira." Eragon informed him.
"My apologies, I'll be sure to remember that." Orik spoke whilest taking an orange lamp off the wall and guiding them down the hallway.

"Can others in Farthen Dûr use magic?" Eragon quested curiously while hiding Zar'roc's symbol.
"Few enough. And the ones we do have can't do much more than heal bruises. They've all had to tend to Arya because of the strength needed to heal her."
"Except those spineless Twins." Cross commented a little venomously.
"Oeí," Orik agreed. "She wouldn't want their help anyway; their arts are not for healing. Their talents lie in scheming and plotting for power- to everyone else's detriment. Deynor, Ajihad's predecessor, allowed them to join the Varden because he needed their support… you can't oppose the Empire without spellcasters who can hold their own on the field of battle. They're a nasty pair, but they do have their uses."

"I'd call them Soulless, but no one here has Souls like we know it, so it wouldn't really work." Geno admitted as they entered one of the main tunnels, people freezing in place as they saw Saphira and the skeletons. Orik ignored them and headed for one of the distant gates.

"Where are we going, dvergr?" Nightmare asked before realizing what he'd called Orik. The dwarf raised an eyebrow at him before answering. "Out of the halls so Saphira can fly to the dragonhold above Isidar Mithrim, the Star Rose. The dragonhold doesn't have a roof- Tronjhiem's peak is open to the sky, like that of Farthen Dûr- so she, that is, you, Saphira, will be able to glide straight down to the hold. It is where Riders used to stay when they visited Tronjhiem."

"Won't it be cold and damp without a roof?" Eragon pointed out.
"Nay." He shook his head. "Farthen Dûr protects us from the elements. Neither rain nor snow intrude here. Besides, the hold's walls are lined with marble caves for the dragons. They provide all the shelter necessary. All you need fear is the icicles; when they fall they've been known to cleave a horse in two."
I will be fine. Saphira told them. A marble cave is safer than any of the other places we've stayed.
Eragon mentioned something to her.
Ajihad strikes me as an honourable man. Unless Murtaugh tries to escape, I doubt he will be harmed.

Eragon crossed his arms, thinking, then asked, "Where are our horses?"
"In the stables by the gate. We can visit them before leaving Tronjhiem."
They exited via the same gate they entered, seeing the blackness inside Farthen Dûr as the sun had moved past the opening up top. Now the only thing lighting up the place was Tronjhiem, it's glittering radiance spreading out hundreds of feet away. Orik pointed up at the top.

"Fresh meat and pure mountain water await you up there," he explained to Saphira. "You may stay in any one of the caves. Once you have made your choice, bedding will be laid down in it and then no one will disturb you."

"I thought we were going to go together. I don't want to be separated." Eragon protested. Nightmare frowned at him while Error explained. "They probably make the food down low. It'd be hard to get it to the top in time before it goes cold, so it's preferable she waits for us, right?"

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now