To Say Goodbye

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((I cried writing this. It's the first time I ever did that. I wouldn't advise reading in public.))

"You can't leave."

The statement was made with so much conviction, stated so flatly with disbelief, that Blue faltered.
"..I have to." His brother continued to stare with unblinking sockets."You can't. I just got you back."

"I'm not disappearing again, Papyrus. I'm traveling away for a little while. You'll be able to follow, we can still meet halfway-" "Damnit that's still leaving, Sans! What happened to helping others? What happened to- Royal Guard work? The Stars? What happened to helping people?" He was abruptly shouting in the small structure complied of attacks and cloth.
"Papyrus, that's part of why I am leaving. To help others in the future. I can do more by raising the dragons and mending the balances of this world."

"Dragons- how are dragons the ones that need help more than everyone here? Take a look around, Sans, there's dragons everywhere!" He flung his hand at the entrance.
"Not the right ones." Blue shook his skull. "They're not of Alagaësia. They're not part of the balances, Papyrus."
"Why are you trying to take responsibility for this shit, bro? There's more than enough gods and crap taking care of balances."

"No, there is not. They're forced to keep monsterkind and the other races alive. This world is unstable, and this campground is far from a permanent solution. It's not even a temporary one, it's a desperate effort to gather our people together so that we can move somewhere that can withstand us. An already occupied land isn't viable, Papyrus, not unless you want to kill its inhabitants- and that, I will not stand for. We have to leave, and I have to leave sooner than you. I am not changing my mind, Papyrus."

His brother hissed between his teeth at that, shuddering as he visibly held back tears.
"You can't just hop on GB's back and fly away because of dragons, Blue. It shouldn't be your business. You're just a monster like the rest of us. Please. You have to listen to m-" He cut short as Blue took his hands in his own.

"Papy, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I have to leave so soon. But you are wrong. I am no longer just a monster. Alagaësia has changed me. I.. I stopped being a Guardsman in training the moment I watched myself die in a universe that wasn't my own, Papyrus. It's about time I told you that." His gloved phalanges wove between his brother's bare hands then.

Shaking them, he spoke slowly and calmly.
"I am not the same. I cannot in good conscience keep to the same goals I once had. I cannot just leave a boy to guide the next generation of Riders and dragons alone. Just because there are elves joining him does not mean he has an equal. He has no friends among them to confide in, save for Saphira... He needs me, Papyrus. And this world needs its dragons."

He tore one hand from Blue's grip to cup his face.
"I need you, bro. I can't.. why does it have to be you? Haven't you done enough?"
Blue smiled sadly. "My work will never be complete. I live to help others, after all." He explained while holding that hand.
"You don't have to help some race that's not even yours, Sans."

At that, Blue abruptly reached up to cup his younger sibling's face as well.
"Papyrus. There is a purpose for everything that I do. Can you not trust me? I can explain it all to you, but only when the time is right."
He only stared, orange tears welling in his sockets.
"You're supposed to be Alphys' trainee." He whispered brokenly.

"That is what Fate desired of me." Blue replied just as softly. "Wyrda has other plans for me. More fulfilling ones." He paused, feeling his brother's tremors through his gloves.
"Papyrus. You don't need to mourn me yet. We still have time. I am not leaving immediately. Just trust in me.... I am not who I once was. And.. if you would accept, I would like to tell you who I am."

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now