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Aroughs was most definitely a seafaring town, built with two tiers of impressive walls that surrounded it's levels, outward side revealing five gates into the city, three of which sat atop canals.

As soon as it's people had spotted the approaching contingent, they had shut their gates and put bowmen at their parapets. But little did they know how quickly their defenses would be torn through with the looks of the skeletons.

None were as furious as Geno, the bloody glitch standing on his Blaster and peering at the city in disgust and unbridled rage. The rest had given him a wide berth because of it.

It was nearing afternoon when they arrived at the gates, just out of reach of the arrows. The soldiers preparing to siege began to set up the catapults and ballistae, their commander, Brigman, communicating with Cross, Sci, Alter and Red about how they would attack the formidable fortress of Aroughs as others studied the walls.

Scouts began their looping paths from the camp to the edge of the safe zone between the city and their allies, reporting back anything of note as the rest set out to plan their attack.

Geno had been glaring at the walls with frightful rage for an hour or so before returning to the makeshift command tent, to which Cross was preparing to leave.

"Where are you going?" The bloody glitch questioned the monochrome. Cross blinked at him before flicking his hood over his face, reaching for his dual sword belts.
"I'm the only one here with any experience in spellwork, so I'm checking their gates at the next patrol."
"Damnit, I knew she should've sent a magician." Geno swore lightly, eyelight still blazing somewhat.

"In the end, anyone she could send is likely not going to be as capable as any of us." Cross explained evenly, peering through the tent flap as a messenger approached with the latest news.

After a few moments of grumbling, Geno agreed. "That's fair.. watch out for their magicians."
"I think we can handle that." Cross smirked slightly as XChara flickered briefly into view beside him.
"Right." Geno nodded distractedly.

Cross's stern expression softened then.
"We'll get him out of there."
Geno scrunched up his face while studying the dirt floor before sighing. "I know. I know. I just can't help but.."
The monochrome rested one hand on Geno's shoulder. "Stop beating yourself up about it. You didn't know. Got it?"

They shared a long look before Geno gave in. "Right." He pushed the hand away then, turning to the table set up with their current schematics and plans for the city. "Go. Maybe have X scout inside the perimeter if you can."
"Not a bad idea." Cross noted as XChara appeared long enough to nod approvingly.

He left the tent then, jogging away to the nearest patrol setting out for the border between opposing forces. Geno turned to the table, raising his voice.
"What are we currently planning?" He strode over, glancing at the pile of parchment before him.

"Well we still can't read their runes for shit." Red explained in slight frustration.
"And they can't read ours either. That's why we talk. So talk to me."

He noted Alter's weary smile at that while a hint of respect gleamed in Brigman's eyes, the man's broad shoulders dropping somewhat as he pointed at one schematic.
"The city's prepared for a long siege, that much we've made out so far. We don't have the men to outwait or even defeat their forces should they attack, so you skeletons better have some neat tricks up your sleeves."

"Oh, we have more than enough-" "Red." Alter gently chastised. Brigman nodded brusquely before continuing. "We had an informant inside, but since communication has stopped we believe he was likely caught. As far as we know, Galbatorix has garrisoned nearly twice as many soldiers as ourselves atop their usual contingent. We were lucky to have arrived so soon, or we'd be looking at far more troops. As it is, the odds are already next to impossible."

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