Chapter 19: Never Follow My Footsteps

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Chapter Nineteen: Never Follow My Steps

Not edited! DX


Drakness consumed me. There was nowhere to escape! I held back a sob that wanted to tear out of my throat at seeing a small little boy with his ashe blonde hair hanging over his round babyish face, his grayish-blue eyes have water leaking out of them. He has black ink smeared all over his trembling form as he stayed in that position with no shoes on, and his feet looked all red with purple and blue dots decorating them.  "Mer", he whimpered and hugged hismself harder. No.

No!! Whe-where-

"Kemie?!",  familair voice bellowed in the darkness. I shakingly took two steps backwards once I saw a dark silhoutte figure approaching its way towards me, and in its left hand a silver object shinned. I glanced at the younger version of myself and sprinted to him to keep him safe. "You will not have him!!", I screamed out in anger.

Dark laughter rang out all around me amking me feel suddenly dizzy and breathless as the figure happily sauntered closer to us. "Oh, Kemie, you cannot run from yourself", he laughed in delight. What?

Run from myself?...Why would I ever-A viscious animalistic growl erupted from behind the silhoutte and before I could blink a humungous wolf launched itself onto the figure. Its teeth penetrated into the guy's neck, before it started to jerk his body from left to right without any sense of mercy. 

"T-Taszer?", I breathed in disbelief. Shoch, saddness, relief, and lastly nager spread its way through me as I hopped back onto the balls of my feet. 

"Who the hell gave you premission to get inside of my mind?!!", I roared in fury. Making him chunk the guy like he was just doll before he slowly started to limp his way to me, he whimpered and lowly whined all of the way until he had his nose barely touching my forehead. His warm breath fanned across my face, it quickly erased the anger that wanted to have me lash out on him.

"Ta-Taszer?", I whimpered in agony. Knowing that he was here now adnd I strangely felt safe again. Safe? N-No.

"Shhh...I am here my love", he soothed and rubbed my back in small calming circles. I felt heat rush into my cheeks as I relished in the feeling of his protecting warmth invading my cool skin, and my breath hitched into my throat when he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. "There is nothing but a wolf here to keep you warm", I chuckled at his choice of words. Yes he is here.

A loud gasp came out of me when I chose to stupidly wake up, and I so happened to end up chocking at the feeling of fire carressing my lungs. Yup, you'd think that I'd learn by now. 

I jumped up at the feel of something kicking my stomach; I worriedly glanced down at it thinking that I am in huge trouble. Taszer better pay child support. But that thought washed itself away once I saw his head resting on my abdomenail; I lifted up my trembling left hand and closed my eyes as I savored the feeling of his luscious hair sweeping through my fingertips.  

My wonderful Taszer how did you even find me? You are too wonderful for my tainted soul.


This chapter is short and I am incredibly sorry for that! But I am struggling to write due to writer's block still stopping me, but at least I put a chapter up right! :)

I hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading!! XD

~Alpha Blind My Emotions (BoyxBoy) *Needs Major Work*Where stories live. Discover now