Chapter 24: Time Shouldn't Beg For Patience It Doesn't Deserve

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It has seriously happened! I have written a new chapter. And I am still so sorry for making all of you wait, and I am also sorry if my writing is rusty. (Yes, I know that this story has errors and one day I'll fix that.)

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the new chapter. :)


Chapter 24: Time Shouldn't Beg For Patience It Doesn't Deserve


Would anyone regard me differently in this town, in Kelz High, if they knew the cold and brutal truth? A past that I wished, begged to never relive again, but as if my mind and enemies are in sync they made sure that the last thing I did was forget. Maybe I could find a loop hole but that is not what life is about. So since I have a wonderful limit on this amazing life of mine. I guess that I should be living it up instead of dwelling on the time I don't have... Yeah, I should not be letting it get to me. The last thing I should be letting myself feel is self pity.

Agreeing with that I shoved my repetitively annoying and haunting thoughts aside and refocused my attention back to the present. The present consisted of capturing those honey-brown orbs in my gaze again, and within a blink of an eye I was feeling the electrical rush from the shockwaves entering me, again. When our lips begin to move in sync and without warning he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

A soft moan escaped my throat as he burried one of his hands into my hair, tangling his fingers there, and pulling me forward so he could deepen our kiss. While his body moved on its own accord. So did mine. I unthinkingly placed my left hand on his cheek as if I wanted to monopolize his facial structure and threw my right arm around his neck as I kissed him back with all of the passion I could muster.

Taszer broke our kiss making me whine in protest, and before I could bring his lips back to mine. His had a mind of their own and started to place patterns of kisses up and down my neck; earning another m-

"Oh my! I came at a wrong time!", Sandie purposely shouted. Yanking me out of my little world that only held Taszer. Automatically my eyes flew open and heat instantly surfaced into my cheeks. Taszer's kisses halted and then he sighed in agitation. I, of course shivered at feeling his hot breath hitting my neck. Sandie laughed at our position. This girl was standing in the doorway with the door wide open. Showing everybody our business.

"Sandie. Can you please come back later?", asked my boyfriend. Warmth filled me. Did I just reclaim him as mine? But then again, I'd probably be doing that for the rest of my life. Thinking this had brought a big grin to my face.

Sandie raised her left eyebrow at me in question but she did not call me out on it. It was also probably the reason why Taszer did not do the same, because he was too busy glaring at her annoyed; while possibly trying to restrain himself from continuing where we left off... Okay, maybe she did come at the right time.

"Wow. I can feel the tension", she joked halfheartedly. "Guess, I will tell 'our' alpha that his brother is preoccupied.." In a flash the door was closed and she was already gone. Why did she put emphasis on our. Just as I was about to voice my thoughts out loud my mate did his job in clouding my thoughts and whisking me back to our paradise.

Sadly, our time ended at about thirty minutes later when one of the nurses walked in without knocking. Luckily we were not doing anything too bad just kissing, well more like making out. She was only forgiven when I saw the tray of food she had for me. What made me frown had to be when she gave me pills to take. They had to be horse pills. Needless to say I had my mate laughing at the disgusted face I made, or it could've been at the fact that the nurse had been trying to hit on me. Why he didn't get upset, or even jealous is beyond me.

Once my stomach was full and the nurse reluctantly left Taszer did the liberty in planting his lips on mine.

Happily I returned the gesture and groaned in frustration at him pulling back. "Tease", I growled. He chuckled and leaned in as if to kiss me, but he tricked me and gently nibbled on the tip of my left ear. Shivering I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and nuzzled my face into his neck where I might have kissed him there.

"Kemie", he whispered, softly. Dazed I looked up and into those darkening honey-brown eyes I smirked and quickly burried my face into his chest. "Babe. We can't. Not here", I said, putting my foot down. He sighed before leaving a peck under my ear-the same one to be exact.

"Fine. But when you are released we will....", he trailed off. I know that he did that so I could be guessing on what he had planned.

I laughed. "Now you make me feel anxious", I mumbled into his chest. Sleepy.

"Good, because I want you to be anxious to figure out my mystery", he purred, lowly. His sauve voice that I would never get tired of hearing lulled me into a peaceful slumber.


Days eventually passed. My friends and family came to visit and they had to leave when visiting hours were over. Everywhere left my side at night; everyone but my persistent mate whom did everything to come back into the room and sometimes. Sometimes we'd kiss, cuddle, watch movies and t.v., other times he'd tell me how his day went when his brother made him part ways with me. And when that happened Cona would sneak into my room. With her I'd joke, play truth or dare, talk for hours, or we'd say which nurse or doctor we thought was so freaking hot. After two to three hours later the hospital police came and took her back to her room. Once that happened I had been given enough time to doze off and from there I fell into another nightmare of mine. A leeching nightmare that kept on telling me about what was hidden deep in my conscience and that was time itself.

"Back to square one", I mumbled, tiredly. Lazily I glanced around the semi dark hospital room and felt my heart strings tug viscously. Why would it do that? Confused I found myself slipping out of bed.

But the same thing with my heart came back and struck me hard. So hard that I clenched the front of my hospital gown and whimpered in protest.

"K-Kem", a familiar voice whispered. Extremely familiar that I was too terrified to look away from the white door and to turn around. "Kemmy, run". No. He is not here. M-Merlin is with his lover. I made sure that no one told him that I was in here! No one!

Suddenly I felt my body wildly shake in tremors. "K-Kemie! Kemie!" Wha-What is that? Who?

I gasped and threw my eyes open only to be drowned in honey-brown eyes. Taszer had tears leaking down his cheeks making me lean up to kiss them away. He did a throaty laugh. "I am supposed to be comforting you", he said in a half whimper.

I wonder if his wolf is the reason why he looks so hurt. Could our connection be that deep?

Not bothering to put my questions out there I kissed him tenderly before I slowly pulled away and his my face in his neck. "Hold me, please?" I felt a sob scratching out of my throat when he did just that and more.


Yeah, sorry for the time skip and lack of action.. I do promise that there will be some soon...

Haha. Don't you agree that Sandie has perfect timing? Lol.

I hope this chapter was to your liking. Cause..I don't like it. -.-

Thanks for reading. :)


~Alpha Blind My Emotions (BoyxBoy) *Needs Major Work*Where stories live. Discover now