Bugs [6]

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Millions of bugs began collecting on the doors and windows, covering the entire building. The six people watching, waiting.

"So what do we do now?" Larry asked.

"We try to outlast it." Phoenix admitted "Hopefully, the curse will end at sunrise,"


In the kitchen, Dean searched the cabinets.

Dean found a can of bug spray and returned to the living room.

"Bug spray?" Joanie questioned.

"Trust me," Dean said.

They heard a creaking noise come from somewhere around the fireplace.

"What is that?" Matt asked.

"The flue," Sam replied.

"All right, I think everybody needs to get upstairs." Phoenix ordered.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of bugs came into the living room, swarming all around them.

Dean used a lighter with the can of bug spray to make it flare up.

The flame warded some of the bugs away.

"All right, everybody upstairs!" Dean shouted "No! Go, go, go!" he went upstairs with them into the attic, and Sam closed the door.

After a moment of being in the attic, sawdust began to fall from the ceiling. The buzz of bees got louder.

"Oh, God, what's that?" Joanie cried.

"Something's eating through the wood," Dean said.

"Termites," Matt explained.

"All right, everybody get back." Phoenix ordered "Get back, get back, get back!"

The three Pikes moved as far into the corner of the attic as they could.

A second later, the bugs chewed a hole through the ceiling and swarmed around the room.

Sam and Dean frantically tired to patch up the hole in the ceiling, but it only worked a for a minute. Soon, two more holes were chewed, and while Phoenix tried to ward them off with her powers, nothing seemed to work.

The six of them stood in the corner, trying desperately to swat bugs away fro a few minutes.

Then, suddenly, the sun rose. Miraculously, the bugs started to leave through the hole in the ceiling.

Phoenix slid against the support of the wall, tired, as Sam and Dean went to see what happened.

Through the hole, they could see the bugs in the sky, near the sun, in one enormous colony.

The six of them continued watching, relieved.


Dean, Sam, and Phoenix approached Larry, who was placing boxes into a moving van.

"What, no goodbye?" Dean teased.

"Good timing," Larry told the trio. "Another hour and we'd have been gone," He shook their hands.

"For good?" Phoenix asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah." Larry nodded "The development's been put on hold while the government investigates those bones you found. But I'm gonna make damn sure no one lives here again,"

"You don't seem too upset about it," Sam noted.

"Well, this has been the biggest financial disaster of my career, but..." Larry looked over at Matt, who was carrying a box to the garbage "...somehow, I really don't care,"

Sam walked over to Matt, who was throwing away all his insect paraphernalia. "What's this?"

"I don't know. They kind of weird me out now," Matt shrugged.

"Yeah, I should hope so," Sam laughed.


A few minutes later, Sam joined Dean and Phoenix by the Impala.

The trio watched Larry and Matt, who were now getting along very well.

"I wanna find Dad," Sam said.

"Yeah, me too." Dean sighed.

"Yeah, but I just...I want to apologize to him,"

"For what?"

"All the things I said to him. He was just doin' the best he could,"

"Well, don't worry, we'll find him. And then you'll apologize. And then within five minutes, you guys will be at each other's throats,"

Sam laughed "Yeah, probably,"

"As much as I enjoy this chick-flick moment. We should hit the road before the actual feds show up," Phoenix reminded.

Dean nodded "Let's,"

They got in the impala, giving one last wave to Larry and Matt, and drove away.

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