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~ October 31, 2005, ~

"Sam!" a redhead shouted as she came around the corner "Get a move on, would you? We were supposed to be there like fifteen minutes ago,"

"Do I have to?" Sam asked.

"It'll be fun...at least that's what Jess told me to say," the redhead said causing Sam to laugh as Jess entered the room.

"Good pep talk, Phoe" Jess was a blonde, she was wearing a sexy-nurse costume. Jess looked at the two "And where's your costume?"

"You're looking at it," Phoenix said

Sam nodded "And you know how I feel about Halloween,"


Luis, already in full zombie costume, came around a telephone pole and started down the sidewalk. He suddenly turned left, throwing out his arms in an attempt to startle. "Ha!"

Sam shook his head and smiled.

Jess, in her nurse outfit, grinned. While Phoenix just shrugged.

"What do you think, huh?" Luis asked

"Whatever," Phoe told him as she headed down the sidewalk. The rest of the group following her as Sam and Jess held hands.

"At least I wore a costume. Man, if your sorry ass was trick-or-treating at my house, there would be no popcorn balls for you,"

"You gave out popcorn balls?" Sam questioned as they started across the street.

"You could at least have gone as a slutty version of something." Luis told Phoenix "Slutty Dorothy, slutty Alice, slutty angel-"

Phoe glared at Luis. "You want to know what my costume is, I'm the serial killer who never gets caught because the bodies were never found,"

"Come on Phoe..." Sam said patting his friend on the shoulder "Give the guy a break. Besides I thought you were dressed as an angel already," Sam joked.

Phoenix took a hand to move Sam's hand off her shoulder as she looked at Sam "Hey you already got a girlfriend,"

"Yeah I do," Sam said as he kissed Jess.

"Wanna make a drinking game out of how many times they kiss, flirt, or hold hands?" Luis asked her.

Phoe looked at him "That's called my everyday life," she laughed as they headed into the bar.


Jess raised a glass as Luis came up to the table where Sam, Phoenix, and Jess were. "So here's to Sam and his awesome LSAT victory,"

"All right, all right, it's not that big a deal," Sam claimed as they all clinked glasses.

Phoe rolled her eyes "Yeah, he acts all humble. But he scored one seventy-four," She drank her shot.

"Is that good?" Luis asked

"Scary good," Jess said as she drank.

"So there you go. You are a first-round draft pick. You can go to any law school you want!" Luis sat next to Sam.

"Actually, I got an interview here. Monday. If it goes okay I think I got a shot at a full ride next year," Sam told the group.

"Hey. It's gonna go great," Jess told him

"It better,"

"How does it feel to be the golden boy of your family?" Luis asked him

"Ah, they don't know,"

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