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Sam, Dean, and Phoenix pulled up into a gas station.

"Alright, I figure we'd hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south, hit Bisbee by midnight," Dean claimed.

"God..." Phoe muttered.

"What?" Dean asked.

Phoenix ignored him and showed her phone to Sam "Rebecca says Zack's been charged with murder. He's been arrested for killing his girlfriend. Rebecca says he didn't do it, but it sounds like the cops have a pretty good case,"

Dean raised an eyebrow "Dude, what kind of people are you hangin' out with?"

Sam shook his head"I know Zack. He's no killer,"

"They're in St. Louis. We're goin'," Phoe reasoned.

Dean chuckled "Look, sorry 'bout your buddy, okay? But this does not sound like our kind of problem and St. Louis is four hundred miles behind us, Phoe..."

"Fine..." Phoenix went to the trunk of the Impala and took out her bag.

"Phoe, what are you doing?" Sam asked.

"Heading to St. Louise...because the last I checked your family business motto was 'Saving People' not just your own personal vendetta!"

"Phoenix...come back!" Dean ordered, "Don't make me drag you back here!"

Phoe laughed as she turned to look at the eldest Winchester "And I would love to see that...I really would. But that's never gonna happen unless I'm dead!" she snapped.


Rebecca opened the door and saw Phoenix "Oh my God, Phoe!"

"Well, if it isn't little Becky," Phoenix smirked.

"You know what you can do with that little Becky crap," Rebecca smiled and they hugged.

"I got your e-mail," Phoe said as she sobered up.

"I didn't think that you would come here,"

Phoenix places a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder "I'm here to help. Whatever I can do,"

"Come in,"

They walked inside the house, and Phoe shut the door.

"Nice place," Phoenix said as she looked around.

"It's my parents." Rebecca explained "I was just crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. I decided to take the semester off. I'm gonna stay until Zack's free,"

"Where are your folks?"

"They live in Paris for half the year, so they're on their way home now for the trial."

They entered the kitchen.

"Do you want a beer or something?"

"No, thanks." Phoe declined "So, what happened?"

"Well, um, Zack came home, and he found Emily tied to a chair. And she was beaten up and bloody, and she wasn't breathing." Rebecca started to cry "So, he called 911, and the police-they showed up, and they arrested him. But, the thing is, the only way that Zack could've killed Emily is if he was in two places at the same time. The police-they have a video. It's from the security tape from across the street. And it shows Zack coming home at 10:30. Now, Emily was killed just after that, but I swear, he was here with me, having a few beers until at least after midnight,"

"Two places at once, huh?"


Phoenix got out of her rental car and walked towards Zack's house. She entered and looked around.

The furniture and walls of the house were smeared with blood.

"Well, there's no sign of a break-in. That means Emily let her attacker in. So, if Zack didn't do this, it means someone else did. The question is who or what?"

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