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Hello my name is Raven. Raven the story teller, the following story you're about to read is nonfiction. It's in many ways an epic. It's the story of a mortal man and his quest for immortality and his run with everything unseen. It's a tale of magic. Wisdom. Gods and Goddesses. But most importantly it's the story of one man. Jake Caloway. This is not his real name. All names have been altered to protect the identity of the victims involved. 

This story is a very dark one in places. It's a story of madness in despair. It talks about many things some would only believe to be fictional. Or fantasy. Maybe it is sensationalized in a few parts. Who knows it's ancient? Or it will be one day. By then hopefully some people will discover it's true nature, discover the horrors that remained until here. My name is Raven. Today I'm recounting to you the story of La Meir. Translated from it's French routes, and localized in America to a more loosely fitting title of "The Dreamers Exchange".

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