Chapter 4: Delighted

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The ride to the gun range is short and we arrive at quarter to 7.

"Have you ever used a gun before?" Charles asks me as he twists the ignition key to turn off the engine.

"No, but I'm more than willing to learn."

"I like your enthusiasm," He informs me, and we head in.

As we are led to the shooting area, I survey the people around us. I see a few middle aged men, two girls who look no older than 18, and a couple of guys who look to be in their mid twenties, and who are also definitely checking out the girls.

Over the next hour, with Charles' careful instruction, I manage to hit the target poster in the leg, arm, and surprisingly even in the gut. Towards the end of the hour, I finally managed to get my stance right, so that I wouldn't fly backwards from the recoil.

"You did a marvelous job today Ms. Larson. I'm quite impressed." Charles tells me, as we are ushered out of the gun range. Who knew they close at 8:15?

"Thank you Mr. Du Pont," I say, feeling pride tingle my insides.

"Please, Ms. Larson, call me Charles." He says exahpreadly.

"Only if you call me Val," We had already had this conversation at the gun range.

"My mother would have my hide if she knew I called a lady I work with by her first name." He sighs, stopping at a red light.

"And mine would- well I'm not sure what she would say, I haven't talked to her in months. I'd imagine, however, she would tell me it's incredibly disrespectful to address your boss by their first name."

"Well, there shouldn't be a problem then. Aldridge is your boss, not me."

"Fine, Charles. There. Happy?" I give up, defeated. Charles is like an old grandma and arguing with him, I've found, is useless.


"So, now that I've passed all the parts, assuming I've passed, what happens next?"

"Well, you would have to endure training. And I do mean endure. This training is grueling, you'll have to learn more self defense, as well as gun training. I will say however-" Charles is cut off by his phone buzzing in his pocket.

"How long will the training be?"

"A doll month. Sorry I mean a month, doll," Charles says distractedly as he pulls over in the gym parking lot.

"All right and-" I'm cut off by Charles putting his hand up to shush me.

"Hello?" He asks, holding his phone up to his ear. "Ah Aldridge, how lovely to hear from you... Yes the gun training was fine. No, no she didn't do too badly, she managed to hit the gut a few times... Yes, yes I'm dropping her off now... Okay... Sure, sure... All right, I'll be there shortly." He hangs up and turns to me.

"I have to go help Aldridge set up some things. Before you go, I have been instructed to put both Aldridge and I's contacts into your phone, and put your contact in mine in case we need to reach you. May I see your phone please?"

I oblige, and dig it out of my bag, unlocking it and placing it in his palm. He puts in thier numbers, and hands my phone back to me.

"Now, your number love?"

"It's 324-867-9332,"

"Perfect. Please send me a message letting me know you got home safely." He tells me as I step out of the car.

"Will do, bye Charles!"

"Good night Ms. Larson," He waves and peels out of the driveway, and I start making my way towards my car.

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