*Chapter 36: Red velvet

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~1 year later~
"Right this way, both of you. Tom! No peeking!" Harrison scolds as he leads a blindfolded Tom and I to our 'surprise'.
I walk ahead blindly, hand clasped in Tom's, my boyfriend of 2 years now.
"Okay... take off the blindfolds,"
We do, and my jaw drops to the floor.
Around us is a tent covered in fairy lights and in it are all of the people we love.
"Aww, you guys, what is this?" I ask, still marvelling at the beautiful sight around me.
"Don't tell me you forgot?" Harrison mock-groans at me, a cheeky grin lighting up on his face. "What's the date today?"
I count the days in my head, my eyes growing wide when I realize the date. I turn to Tom to see a mirror expression dawning on his face.
Our anniversary.
Seeing the looks on our faces Harrison chuckles.
"1! 2! 3!" He yells and everyone cheers 'happy anniversary!'.
"Aw, Haz you didn't have to do all of this," Tom turns to his best friend, a look of gratitude written all over his face.
"Of course I did. Now, want to go look at the cake? Handmade by yours truly,"
"I wanted to but now I'm not so sure," Tom grimaces, earning him a smack from Harrison.
"Yeah, yeah, joke all you want."
We laugh at him as he leads us to the cake.
Tom gets to the cake before me and immediately swivels around, hand pressed firmly to his mouth.
"You better be fucking joking,"
"What is it?" I ask, leaning forward to get a look at the cake.
When I get a glance of the cake I understand Tom's reaction.
The cake in question is a white vanilla lava cake, but instead of melted chocolate there are hundreds of fake spiders coming out of the center.
"Harrison so help me god I know all of the major arteries, get that cake out of my face," I warn him, turning my back to the cake. I still feel shivers running down my back.
"What, you don't like it?" He teases, but obliges. "I'm just kidding, that isn't your cake. This one is yours,"
"You know what, as the designated bodyguard, I think Val should look first," Tom squeaks and I shoot him a glare which he pretends not to see.
Still, I turn around to look at the new cake. He really outdid himself.
In front of me is a three tier black cake with red roses all over it.
"Red velvet?"
"Of course," Harrison replies with a smile.
"Can I turn around?" Tom asks, still hunched away from the table.
He turns around and gasps, a hand flying to his mouth.
"I love it," He says, still staring in awe.
"Thank you, thank you,"
Roberts bustles over, clearly impatient.
"He said 5 minutes and it's been 10. Enough with the compliments I want to start the party already,"
Harrison rolls his eyes at Robert.
"Okay, let's start this party!" Robert yells and cheers erupt from around us.


Tom and I walk into the living room of our apartment way past 3 am, full and happy.
"Did you know Robert could dance like that?" I ask as I turn on the lights.
"No but it's not out of character for him,"
"Shit my feet hurt," I complain, looking down at my red heels. Pretty? Yes. Comfortable? No.
"Here let me," Tom says, kneeling down to help me with my shoes. I lean back on the couch as he slides off my shoes, a breath of relief coming out as the shoe comes off.
Tom starts massaging the sole of my foot and a moan slips out as relief spreads through my aching ankle.
"Fuck," Tom whispers under his breath. I glance down at him to see his eyes trailing up my figure. "Did I tell you how hot you look tonight?"
"No." I reply, blushing under his gaze.
"Well, you do. You look absolutely stunning. Although that dress would look better on the floor," He says with a smirk.
I look down at my long brown silk dress.
"Shall we test out that theory?"
With a mischievous smirk Tom slides his hands up my legs, leaving goosebumps in his wake. His rands reach my hips and he moves them back to my zipper, slowly pulling it down.
I let the dress straps fall off of my shoulders and the dress slips off onto the floor.
"I think I was right," He hums as he comes to a stand in front of me. He cups my face, his thumb brushing against my cheek.
I lean into his touch.
"How did I get so lucky," He whispers, eyes darting back and forth between mine. Leaving the question unanswered, he softly presses his lips against mine, a warm feeling spreading through me from the contact.
I kiss him back and reach for the hem of his shirt wanting, needing, him closer.
His shirt comes off leaving me to explore his bare torso. My hands move across his toned chest, feeling every inch and crevice.
Tom moves his hands down to my ass, giving a little squeeze before issuing one order.
I oblige and jump into his arms, his hands still caressing the skin on my thighs as he moves us to the couch.
He sets me down gently before slipping off his belt and pants. He leans down to my ankle and grabs it, trailing kisses up my inner leg and making his way up to my thighs.
I let out a breathy moan as he squeezes my ankle, spreading my legs further to give him access to my core.
He grabs the front of my underwear with his teeth and pulls them down.
A moan rips out of my chest at the hungry look in his eyes.
"I wonder what's sweeter," He muses. "The cake... or you,"

A/N: Part two will be updated soon!!

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