Chapter 21: Fireworks

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"Hey! Glad you guys could make it! Bar's in the kitchen, help yourselves. We'll start shortly, " Harrison beckons us into his house. "You both look lovely by the way,"

I look down at my outfit. I chose a pale green sundress and Tom went with dark blue jeans and a navy polo to match. Aldridge had said it would be okay for me to wear this instead of a suit.

"Hey mate, how've you been?" Tom asks, pulling him into a hug.

"It's been great. By the way, the twins are here," He motions towards the party inside. I can see a few people on the couches talking, drinks in hand.

"No way! Sam and Harry are here? Sweet I haven't seen Sam in ages! Val, I want to introduce you to my brothers."

Tom scans the room and, spotting his brothers, steers us in that direction.

"Harry! Sam! How've you guys been? How's LA treating you?" Tom asks the two brown haired guys.

"Tom!" They both exclaim and lean over to hug him in turn.

"Who's this beautiful lady?" Harry asks, examining me.

"Val Larson. My bodyguard and girlfriend, but we're keeping that under wraps for now," He explains, leaning in so that others can't hear.

Girlfriend. That one word makes happiness bubble in my chest.

"Girlfriend?" They both exclaim, eyes snapping to me.

"Yeah," I smile sheepishly.

"So, how are you holding up with him? I can tell you, he can be a real pain in the ass. Unless of course, you're into that kind of thing," Sam adds and my hands clap to my face. I look over at Tom who is red, even in this dim lighting.

"Would you shut it," Harry elbows Sam in the ribcage, earning him a glare.

"I was just speculating about their habits." He complains.

"That's exactly the issue Sam. Not to mention, I don't want to know my older brother's fucking habits. It's like Paddy asking you that," Harry says with a shudder.

Realization dawns on Sam's face and he flushes pink.

"Sorry, you guys, I wasn't thinking. Great first impression, I'm going to go get another drink, anyone want anything?" When we all shake our head he excuses himself to the kitchen.

I hear a clap on Tom's shoulder and turn to see Harrison making his way into the conversation.

"Hey, Haz, have you met Tom's girlfriend?" Harry asks eagerly, inclining his head in my direction.

"Girlfriend? I thought you said she was your bodyguard?"

"She is. We started dating recently."

"Why wasn't that the first thing you said when you walked in the door, you div?!" Harrison smacks Tom upside the head in indignation.

"Sorry sorry!" Tom backs away out of reach of Harrison.

Harrison turns to me and surveys me.

"So, girlfriend huh? When did this happen?" He questions, his gaze flicking from me to Tom who is making his way to my side, his arm wrapping around my waist.

"The beginning of November, so almost two months,"

"So, you could say that my party, one that happened just two weeks before, was the cause for your getting together?

Tom and I throw side eye glances at each other, trying not to laugh.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," Tom says, clapping him on the shoulder lightly.

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