Chapter 38: Capsule unboxing

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"Okay, everyone keys in the center of the circle," Harrison instructs and we all oblige.
One by one, Harrison unlocks each lock until they are all scattered on the floor, opened. The silver box is staring at me and the familiar rush of excitement flows through me.
Maybe I'll finally get to see what Tom put in there two years ago.
"Val, you first. Reach in and retrieve your items," Harrison instructs.
I reach in and grab the letter and card my old self left, and resume my old sitting position in the circle.
"Tom, you next,"
Tom reaches forward and grabs his items, swiftly tucking them under his sleeve and hiding them in his pocket. The rest retrieve their items after, but I'm focused on Tom, trying to catch a glimpse of his item.
"Okay, everyone has to share their resolution. I'll start," Harrison says and rips open the envelope he put his note in. "Make gains."
The group bursts into giggles at Harrison's silly resolution.
"Well, did you?" Sam asks in between gasps for air.
"Yes," Harrison says bluntly and proceeds to flex his muscles.
"Okay enough," Harry pushes Harrison's hand aside and opens his letter. "Grow taller than sam."
Sam rolls his eyes at the already smirking Harry.
"I mean, I fulfilled my resolution," Harry's says cheekily.
"By one inch!" Sam exclaims in frustration.
"One inch can make a big difference," I say in a patronising tone, and Sam shoots me a glare. I raise my brows at him and nod slowly, and I see a grin start to spread on his face.
"My turn, shut up all of you!" Sam exclaims before opening his note.
"I'm not sharing this," He says bashfully and promptly rips the paper in half.
Harrison rolls his eyes.
"Party pooper."
"Whatever. Tom, your turn," Sam says, swiftly ignoring Harrison's look.
"Not sharing either," He states.
I look down at my paper.
Tell Tom you love him, it says in my handwriting.
"Well Val, I guess it's your turn," Harrison sighs, his gaze moving to me.
"Well," I glance down, "I won't say what it was, but I can tell you that I fulfilled it." I throw a shy glance at Tom.
Hoots and hollers fill the room.
"Not like that!" I swat Sam, who is closest to me and is hollering and clapping his hands.
"Whatever you say," Harry winks.
"Ok, now we need to present our items!" Harrison says excitedly.
"I put in my watch, because I got it from Tom as a gift the week before and I didn't want to lose it," Sam says sheepishly, holding out the silver watch.
"I put in $30, suck ass all of you!" Harry says with a grin, his tongue sticking out.
"I put in the business card Charles gave me," I say and Harry pretends to puke.
"I put in a stick of gum?" Harrison says, puzzled. After opening it, however, he realised he folded up a $100 bill in a gum wrapper.
"I have more than you," He brags, flipping Harry off.
We all turn to Tom who shakes his head vehemently.
"Reveal it!" Sam pushes.
"I'm keeping it a secret," He protests.
We all groan but don't push him further.
"All right guys gals and nonbinary pals! Now that this is over, shall we head back to the party?" Harrison quirks and we all
nod our agreement.
Back down at the party, the atmosphere is more mellow than it was when people first arrived.
"Want to get out of here?" Tom asks, leaning in.
"What about the countdown?" I reply, checking my watch and seeing that it's 11:43 pm.
"Oh right! It's new years! Well, I have a better idea, I know this place with an amazing view." Tom suggest, hand lacing into mine.
"Okay, but let's say our goodbyes first,"
We walk around the crowded house until we find Harrison, Sam, and Harry, and say our goodbyes to them.
Tom gets in the car and we drive to our apartment building, but as we get into the elevator he presses the top floor button.
The elevator wait is longer than usual but as soon as the doors open I realise how worth the wait it was.
Stars are sparkling in the sky and I feel like I'm on top of the world.
"Wow," I let put a breath.
"One minute to midnight," Tom reminds me and envelops me in a hug. Although it's become chilly, his warm embrace keeps me cozy.
I lean into him and revel in how perfect this moment is.
"Ten," Tom whispers.
"One" I breathe in.
"Happy New Years my love," Tom whispers, his eyes sparkling with joy.
"Happy New Years," I reply and close the gap between us.
We stay in the embrace as the fireworks go off around us and I have never felt more alive.
"I love you Tom," I say as we break apart.
"I love you Val." He replies. "Will you let me show you just how much?" His tone turns seductive and even in the dim lights I can see his lust filled eyes.
"Lead the way,"

A/N: Hi guys!!!! I want to apologize for going AWOL, I had a lot on my plate. There are like 1 or 2 chapters left in this fanfic, so hold on tight!
I love you all and as always, stay safe love bugs!

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