Chapter 18: Luka

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Hey darlings! This update will be a double update cause I know you hate cliffhangers. Make sure you read both parts to understand the situation.



"Tom!" I call out to his room.

Seconds later a shaggy brown haired head pops into view.

"What's up?"

"We need to go grocery shopping again, we're almost out of... well everything,"

"Okay, no worries, I'll call Benedict and go get ready."

"Perfect," I reply and turn back towards my closet. I feel a warm pair of hands wrap around my torso and a soft kiss press against my neck.

"Thought you were getting ready?" I chuckle as I turn to Tom and give him a sweet kiss.

"Needed to kiss you first though. Now I'm gonna go get ready," Smiling, he walks back towards his room, pulling off his shirt and exposing his chiseled back to me.


I grin and turn back towards my closet, pulling out a pair of light grey dress pants and a grey suit top to match.

The one downside to this job is the dress code. Even if we're going to the grocery store I have to wear some kind of suit. This one is more casual though. I'll just look like a really young businesswoman.

"Ready?" I call out again, and he comes bounding over.

"Let's go," He pulls me out the door, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Wait shit I forgot my boot dagger," Tom laughs at this. He always jokes that one day I'm going to impale my foot rather than ever use the dagger.

I quickly unlock the door, making sure Tom is in my line of sight the whole time, grab my dagger and race back out to meet him.

"Now I'm ready,"

Compared to me Tom looks rather underdressed. In a gray hoodie paired with dark blue jeans and sunglasses, he looks like an everyday shopper, whereas I look like a soccer mom.

"Have fun you two!" Benedict calls out after us. Ever since he found out Tom and I started 'dating' he's become much more social and talkative. At times he looks like an overprotective grandpa fondly staring at his grandchild.

"Okay, we need vegetables, fruits, ramen, snacks, and we should probably buy some reusable plates and silverware so we stop using disposables."


"Okay let's start with the vegetables," We head to the aisle and start picking out everything we need.

Carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, spinach and more pile onto our cart. Next is fruits. Then ramen and snacks. And lastly, plates and silverware.

"Should we get this one?" Tom asks, holding up a pretty set of plates adorned with light blue flowers.

"If you want to, but we can get normal ones too,"

"No, let's get these. Then it will be fancy," Tom grins and gently places them into the cart so as to not break the fragile ceramic discs.

We pull a few more things off the shelves including reusable straws, extra towels so we don't ruin those at the hotel, shampoo, conditioner, and soap, and, of course, ice cream.

"Your total is $127.03," The bored cashier tells us and I pull out a card to pay.

"Want to walk around? We can leave the bags with Benedict." Tom questions, and I agree.

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