Chapter 39: Not so bad after all

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~ One Month Later ~

"Tom, where on Earth are you taking me?" I exclaim as he leads me down the busy street.

The street lights, benches, and every other object that it's somewhat bolted down are draped in red and pink and glitter and hearts.

Valentine's Day.

"Just a little further!" He replies, still leading me through the sea of people.
I hear our destination around the same time I see its flashing lights. We're at the boardwalk.

I stare up at the neon lights, soaking in their color and craze.

"I love amusement parks," I sigh intently under my breath.

"I know,'' Tom says, somehow hearing me over the bustle of people, letting me know he had been watching my reaction this whole time.

I smile at him lovingly.

"I think we should start with some games and then move onto rides. What do you say?" Tom asks and I nod my reply.

"Can we start with the target game?" I ask, pointing to the booth in front of us.

"That eager to show off your shooting skills, huh?" Tom teases.

"Duh," is my reply as we make our way towards the station that's run by a grumpy looking teenager, whose frown depends when he sees us approaching.

"That'll be 3 dollars," he says uninterestedly and holds out his hand.

I fork over the bills and he starts explaining the rules. The goal of the game is to hit the target as many times as possible during the one minute round.

The outer circle of the target is worth 3 points, middle is 4, and inner is 6. The prize's "price" varies. The only catch is that the target is moving constantly.

Tom's hand snakes around my waist.

"You got this" he encourages, pressing a peck to my cheek.

"Uh, there's one more rule!" the guy says, somewhat more shrill than before.

"Couples have to hit all of the targets to earn a prize."

That is most definitely bullshit.

"Says who?" I ask.

"New rule, sorry," he says, shrugging without an ounce of remorse on his features.

"And how many points for that blue cow up there?" Tom asks, pointing to a gigantic cow plushie.

I see a glint in the teen's eye and I swear he smirks.

"You have to hit the center every time," he says smugly.

I love me a good competition.

The game begins and within ten seconds, the teen's mouth is open, within 30 we have a crowd, within 45 there is cheering from people passing by, and by the 60 second mark I have hit bullseye every time and the teen looks too stunned to form coherent thoughts.

Dazedly he grabs the plushie and hands it to me, and I heft it over to Tom.

"For you," I say, and I swear he blushes.

"Thank you!" I call out to the teen, who still looks shocked to the core, as we head to a cotton candy seller.

We play a few more games and Tom wins a cute beaded bracelet for me in one of them. In return I won him a tank top that says "Muffin".

We spend the next hour and a half after that going on rides, Tom holding my hand tightly on each one.

We had just gotten off of the Brain Scrambler when Tom spotted a ride called "Cobweb Craze!"

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