Chapter 28: Twenty-five

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June 1st

I really hate all this sneaking around.

I hate it and I hate the way it feels. I feel like I'm lying to Tom and that hurts me so much, but I need things to be secret to ensure that everything goes as planned.

"Yes, yes he's still asleep. Come in but be quiet, if he wakes up it's all on you," I whisper and close the door behind the man that just entered the room.

He gives me a sheepish grin but still, stays quiet.

"Put that down here, and those over by the table. I can manage the rest from here, thanks." I quietly let him out and shut the door behind him.

This is so stressful.

Today is Tom's birthday and I want to make sure everything goes by smoothly.

I look over at the breakfast items and small gift bag the man just brought in. I'm not allowed to leave so Charles had someone bring everything up.

"Mmmm, what time is it?" Tom groans from the bed.

"9:25 AM," I say cheerfully as he pauses to sniff the air. There's a heavenly scent coming from the food and it must have reached him.

"Did you make that?" He asks, sitting up in bed.

"No I had it brought over especially for you, Mr. 'Twenty-five'," Tom's cheeks turn pink and a pleased grin is plastered on his face as I bring over the food to him. We delve in.

"Holy fuck this is good," He sighs through a mouthful of omlete.

We finish eating and Tom's gaze snaps to the small green bag on the coffee table.

"What is that?"

"Your present. Want to open it?"

"Yes please," He says eagerly and I hand it over.

He starts unwrapping the tissue paper, eyes widening.

"Is this..?"


In his hand is a brown leather wallet. On the side is an engraving of the outline of the photo we had taken on our date over three months ago. I had it handmade.

Tom stares down in awe at our smiling faces, a small smile forming on his face.

"I love it," He chokes out. "I love you,"

"I love you too," I reply and lean over to give him a kiss, one he gladly returns.

"This is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten, thank you,"

"Of course, only the best for the best." Tom laughs at this, "Now you might want to go shower, you have to be at the studio in about 40 minutes."

"I wish I could spend the whole day with you," He says with a sigh as he drags himself out of bed.

"I know, I know, me too, but you can have me for the whole evening. We're going to Robert's for dinner,"

"And can I have you after too?" He asks with a smirk.

I feel my cheeks heat up but maintain my composure.

"If you behave," I say with a smirk of my own before turning on my heel and heading over to my closet.

Slipping on a navy suit and black boots, I put my hair up in a ponytail and grab my sunglasses, ready to leave.

"Tom, are you ready?" I call out and I hear a muffled 'yes' from the other room.

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