Prologue (His Bitter Past) - 9. Separation

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1. Prologue (His Past) - 9. Separation

The morning sun began to appear on the Eastern horizon of Eternal Harmony City. Rose walked down the corridor in a hurry, hoping she could return to her room before her uncle noticed her disappearance.

But it was too late, once she entered her room, King Eudon already sat on the sofa with his arms folded, apparently waiting for her. His eyes filled with anger. His two aides who stood behind him looked exhausted, the same expression was also shown by her two knights who stood before him.

Realizing she was in big trouble, she approached him slowly, looking down in guilt. Her two knights moved backwards behind her, while she stood before King Eudon.

She bowed slowly.
"Uncle ..." she greeted in a soft voice as she kept her head down.

King Eudon stared at her angrily.
"Rose Ambrosia Heart, how dare you disappear without any news?! You made us search for you all night!"

"Forgive me, uncle," she said in an apologetic tone. Then she lifted her head to face King Eudon.
"But I have a good reason for this," she added.

"I don't want to hear your reason!" he snapped.

She quickly lowered her head again.

King Eudon took a deep breath to calm himself.
"We will discuss this later, we must return to Zephyrus now." His voice sounded calmer now.

She lifted her head again in surprise.
"Now? But why? The peace alliance meeting isn't over yet."

King Eudon breathed a heavy sigh as a frown started to develop on his forehead.
"After we left, some nobles began to start a rebellion. Now, General Brent is trying to deal with them but he still needs us."

"Another rebellion ..." she whispered. She could feel the cold rage coursing through her veins at the thought of them. Unconsciously, she clenched her fists in anger. But then, she remembered her promise to Angel last night.
'No ... I can't go home yet. I still have to fulfil my promise to him. '
"Uncle, can you let me stay in Asteria a little longer? I only need a few hours." According to her calculations, her sleeping drug effect would wear soon and Angel would wake up in a few hours.

King Eudon's calmness disappeared after hearing her words.
"No! I've been getting this report since last night. But I postponed it because of your disappearance," he snapped again.

"You can leave without me, I'll catch you later," she insisted.

King Eudon's eyes widened in anger.
"I won't allow it! Leaving you even for a few hours is still risky!"

"I'm begging you. I have an important appointment with someone today. He will be very disappointed if I don't fulfil it," she said in a pleading tone. Somehow she regretted why she didn't give her name last night.

- Bang!

King Eudon hit the table hard with his palm and she flinched on instinct.

"You are the Princess of Zephyrus! You must know what's your priority! Right now Zephyrus is in danger. If we don't handle it immediately, this rebellion will spread and take more casualties. You must come home with me now ! "

She fell silent as she heard King Eudon's words. He was right, as a princess, she had to prioritize her kingdom over anything else. But ...
"At least let me say goodbye," she said in frustration. Without further ado, she turned around and walked to the exit, but King Eudon's aides blocked her.

"You must come with me now!" said King Eudon in anger.

Rose knew she needed to change her tactic, she let out a sigh and turned around, facing King Eudon with a straight face.
"Uncle, you brought me here to let me choose, right? Now, I have made my choice, at least let me say goodbye to him."

"There's no need. I have told our return to King of Asteria since last night, I'm sure he will tell it to Prince Ilex. Now, we must leave immediately!"

"What do you mean? What does that have to do with Prince Ilex?" she said in confusion.
"Uncle, please! I promise, it won't take long," she pleaded.

"You're really stubborn! Take her to the carriage now!" ordered King Eudon.

King Eudon's aides surrounded her and pulled her. She struggled, but in vain
"I will walk by myself!" she said in annoyance. She knew her attitude would only embarrass her reputation as a princess, so Rose could only obey since she didn't want to make an inappropriate scene.

"Good," said King Eudon. The aides let her go and they walked towards the carriage that was ready in the castle yard, followed by her knights.

After her uncle also got into the carriage and their convoy started to move, she stared at Golden Light Castle that was getting far away from her sight.
'Angelus, forgive me. I can't meet you today. But I promise ... after this problem is over I will return to Asteria and explain it to you. '

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