Second Arc (His Art of War) - 79. Envy

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Second Arc (His Art of War) - 79. Envy

Angel's feet stepped down the corridor to the parlour room. The pain due to his spell failure slowly disappeared but the pain that stabbed his chest had not. His feelings continued to flare up as his ego began to take control of him but of course, he knew his position. Rose was a princess from a kingdom he had just conquered and Artheur was her future fiancé. Although it was clear that their engagement was based on political interests, Artheur had fought tooth and nail to protect Rose from him. He could only guess that what made Rose fall in love with Artheur.

As for him ... After he discovered the truth from the elite Asteria soldier, he realized that right now, for Rose, he was just a villain who had taken her kingdom. Moreover, he also almost killed her and her uncle in the hall earlier. He understood that her hatred for him was normal, as well as what she did to Artheur earlier.
'I can't go on like this. I have to get rid of my feelings for her. ' He knew it would be difficult to do it, especially after this, Rose would live with him in Euphorion as his political prisoner. But even though his feelings were still chaotic, his face didn't show any slightest of it. It was an absolute rule for him to never show his emotions on his face, even before becoming a king.

Two guards opened the door for him and he stepped into the parlour room. Ivetta stood up from her seat and bowed.
"Your Majesty." A sweet smile on her lips.

He replied with a slight nod and sat down on the single sofa, followed by Ivetta.

With alacrity, the servants immediately prepared a tea for him.
"How do you feel? Are you feeling better already?" said Angel, starting their conversation. He knew that the rebels could not only exist in this city and castle. Therefore rather than directly interrogating her, he planned to treat her well until she took off her own mask.

"I'm fine, Your Majesty. Thank you for your attention."

"I heard Princess Rose is very close to you?"

Hearing Angel's words, Ivetta immediately took the opportunity to approach him.
"Yes, the princess and I have been best friends since childhood. I know everything about her." Her sweet smile returned to her face.
"In fact, she also told me about what happened five years ago." She said this to show that Rose truly trusted her, even more than King Eudon.

"Really?" he could have guessed this after seeing King Eudon's reaction earlier.

"Yes, I know everything. But if you want me to prove it ..." Ivetta swept her gaze across the servants around her. She indirectly said that the place was too crowded, so she hoped Angel would order the servants to leave so she could be alone with him.

"It's fine, just say it. There is nothing to cover up." If he ordered the servants out, Ivetta could have spread false rumours about them.

Although Ivetta was disappointed by her plan's failure, she kept her composure.
"Princess Rose told me everything. About how she met you and how she changed your clothes that night." She deliberately said about the clothes to force Angel to order the servants to leave them.

Angel's heart skipped a beat when Ivetta mentioned it. But of course, he knew this was Ivetta's ploy to suppress him.
"Yes, I need to admit. I was seriously injured that night and she treated me well. If it weren't because of her, I probably wouldn't have been able to join Asteria's hunting competition," he replied calmly.

Seeing his calm, Ivetta began to add more.
"That meeting was really memorable for her."

"That meeting was also very memorable for me. Because it was the first time I saw a princess who could fight as well as her. Unfortunately, she left without telling me her name." He made it clear so that there were no rumours that they had a special relationship five years ago.

Ivetta fell silent, trying to find other words.

While judging at Ivetta's expression, Angel concluded that Rose didn't tell her about their kiss.
"I think that's enough. I believe you are really close to the princess. Shall we talk about recent events?"

"What do you wish to ask, Your Majesty?"

"I'd like to ask about the Slyhelm Town rebellion a few months ago."

Ivetta's heart pounded as soon as she heard about the rebellion.
'Has Ilex confessed everything?'
"What is it?"

"I heard you were also there at that time. Can you tell me what happened?"

"At that time the rebels took me from my residence and imprisoned me with the others. The princess was the one who saved me." She didn't dare to lie about this since Angel could have found out that the rebellion was Ilex's plan.

"Really? But what I heard was Prince Ilex was the one who handled the rebellion."

Ivetta shook her head doubtfully.
"I don't know about it, Your Majesty. But that day Princess Rose was the one who saved me."

Angel smirked.
"Didn't you say you knew everything about Princess Rose?" he provoked her.

Ivetta bit her lower lip, she knew to get close to Angel she had to show that she knew everything.
"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I'm only a lowly noble lady, there are some things I can't tell." She hoped by saying this Angel could order the servants to leave.
"Now Zephyrus is under my control. What are you afraid of?"

"Well ..." She cleared her throat.

"I think Your Majesty has heard the rumours."

"What rumours?" he pretended not to know.

Ivetta leaned closer to Angel.
"Rumors about Princess Rose and Prince Ilex," she said in a lower voice. Even though this rumour was spreading fast among the commoners but the nobles and the castle knew that this was a false rumour.

"I've never heard of it."

"Princess Rose actually has a close relationship with Prince Ilex. She said Prince Ilex plans to marry her after Asteria wins over Euphorion." Ivetta kept her voice low.

Of course, Angel already knew that this is just a lie.
"But what I saw today seems different from your words. Princess Rose seems to love Prince Artheur. She even did not hesitate to go against my orders." Even though he hated to admit it, that's what happened.

"It was only a play, Your Majesty. She was just trying to cover up her relationship with Prince Ilex."

Angel sighed to show his disappointment. He also did this to lure Ivetta.
"Too bad."

Angel's expressions and words made Ivetta realize that Angel was in love with Rose. Hatred and anger filled her heart. Ilex used to come to Zephyrus because he fell in love with Rose and now she found out that Angel also fell in love with her.
'She's a naive woman, a princess who knows nothing but everyone is fighting over her. Is that because she's a princess? Am I not worthy of that position?  '

Meanwhile, Angel immediately noticed a trace of anger and envy from Ivetta's face.
'I see... Then I can take advantage of this to lure all of her friends out. '

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