Chapter 12: Just Pretend That You're Naked

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A/N I'm sooooo sorry that I haven't updated in a really long time! A lot of things happened to yeahh. Don't throw tomatoes at me. Actually, please do, because they are yummy. Don't forget to put salt on them, too. Thank you and and have a good day. Or night.

Suddenly I remembered that note. The note that said to meet an anonymous by the carriages at ten. As I was dancing, the sound drowned out of my ears, and I tugged on my dress. Zayn's eyes met mine. 

"You okay, Jules?" He asked nervously.

I shuffled my high heels and looked to the floor. 

"Yeah, but can you tell me where Lou and Alondra went? I need to talk to Alondra."

He looked at me curiously and said, "About what? And I saw them run off to the snack table."

I glanced in that direction and saw them placing olives on an ice Christmas tree. 

"Never mind why, sorry, but I'll be back soon." I gave him a cheeky smile and wave. He looked confused and waved back. I saw him head over to Niall and Harry to chat. I rushed over to the snack table, tripping over Lou's outstretched foot. 

"LOU!" I playfully screamed, smacking his shoulder. He pretended to cry and hold his arm. 

"Alondra?" I turned to the giggling red-head. 

"Yeah?" She coughed, giggling.

"Do you remember the note I told you about; 'meet me by the carriages at ten'"? I asked, taking a sip of her butterbeer. 


"How in BLOODY HELL to I escape from Zayn??!?!?" I asked, waving my arms wildly as he looked at me. 

"You told me about this, Jules, remember the day at breakfast?"

I looked back to the day we talked over scrambled eggs with cheese. That was fun. 

"Do you know how I get away from Zayn?" I asked curiously, messing with his hair. 

"Easy. Just pretend that you're naked." He said boldly, playfully smacking my hand away. Alondra and I looked at him as if he just said he was pregnant. 

"What?" We asked, weirded out, and at the same time.

"JINX!" Alondra yelled, twirling my hair around her fingers. Louis bopped my nose and said, 

"Well, Jules dear,  if you were naked, what would you do right now?" 

I turned red and said giggling, 

"Have sex with you of course!" I joked, winking at him. 

"Now, Jules, I know how seductive I am, but tell me the truth." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ummmm try my best NOT to be seen and get you and Alondra to distract people so I could like camouflage with plants and stuff?" I said, more like a question.

"Exactly my point!" Louis said, grinning ear-to-ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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