Chapter 10: Dinner and awkward dancing

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     We were just finishing the excellent dinner as we watched the Triwizard Champions dance elegantly aloft the ballroom floor. There was a girl from beauxbatons with long, shiny black hair and green eyes, wearing a majestic silver gown. She was dancing with a dazed Durmstrang boy, who kept stumbling on his feet. The Durmstrang Champion was big and buff with a very short buzz cut, wearing g the traditional Durmstrang Yule Ball outfits. He was with a beautiful Gryffindor girl who had bouncy blond curls, and a long, pointy nose. I think her name was Georgina, yes that was it.  Once the next song came on, couples slowly emerged from their tables and started waltzing aloft the dance floor. I saw Zayn look at me out of the corner of his eye when Lou and Alondra rose from the table and cha-cha-ed across the floor. Suddenly he rose, and held out his hand for me to take. I hesitated, the took it, realizing that I should be a polite date, not an awkward one. 

We made our way to the dance floor and he took my waist in one hand, and my hand in the other. Then we just kinda looked at each other, because I don't think either of us knew how to dance. He started stepping forward, tapped my foot to make me move it. Then the next foot, and we danced two steps, smooth. Then He looked at other couples and tried to follow their lead. 

We were terrinble dancers, he kept stumbling over my feet, and reverse. Then we kinda got the hang of it, and we were wltzing, gazing into each other's eyes. All of the sudden he stopped, the world felt like it went silent, he gazed into my eyes, and I gazed into his. I fell headlond into his eyes.We were really close our lips were centimeters apart, then, the space between our lips was gone.

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