Chapter Four: Unexpected

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Zayn still had his arms around me from our friendly hug, but I let go.

"Zayn, I'll get back to you later, I need to go do something right now," I said, Zayn freeing me from his arms.

"Okay Ju-" I heard him say before I dashed off in the direction of the crying person. I speed walked through the corridors until I heard a faint sob. I ran in it's direction, my converse squeaking as they hit the stone floor. A shadow of the crier grew larger and larger until I saw them, or, him I should say. I approached him and saw wavy brown hair.

"Liam!?!" I said surprised.

He continued crying, and I put my hand on his shoulder. He hastily wiped his eyes off on his wool sweater sleeve.

"J-Ju-Julia?" He stuttered, gasping for breath. The he looked up at me with his gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Whats wrong Liam?" I asked curiously, feeling so nervous. Liam had been my absolute secret crush for ages, but I see other guys, like Zayn for instance. Liam looked me in the eyes again, and my eyes started to water a bit.

"Julia, I can't tell you. You would be upset if I did. You'd be happier if you didn't know. Just run along with your Zayn, and leave me alone pu-pu-ple-pleasssse," He said, choking on the last words, stifling tears. I looked at him in disgust.

"I see how it is. You don't want me here," I said, hurt in my voice. I obeyed him, though. I took my hand off him and walked away slowly. I looked back at him at one point, but he didn't look at me. I suddenly felt my eyes water and I wind sprinted up to my dormitory.


"Julia, come on, whats wrong, babe? Tell me, hon!"

Alondra was trying to comfort me as I cried into my pillow. Finally, she got me up, and I told her everything about Liam. Alondra knew about my secret Liam-Crush, and how my diary was filled with every sentence he said to me.

"Wow, you must feel weird 'cause its about you. Maybe its because you're going out with Zayn and he might like you," Alondra said with her hand on my shoulder. That thought hit me a while ago, and I didn't want it back in my mind. I was torn between two cuties; Zayn Malik and Liam Payne. But then I remembered. He didn't want me there. He would never like me. And how did Alondra know it was about me?

"Um, Liam doesn't like me obviously. And how do you know it's about me? You're not a psychic," I whined out, and Alondra but her lip and changed the subject quickly.

"Why don't we go dress shopping to get it off your mind. Oh! I forgot! I'm going with Louis! He asked me right after Zayn asked you." She winked and pointed her painted fingernail at me.

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