Chapter Two: The News Is Out

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I blinked in the beams of sunlight that flooded the room as I woke up the next morning. I was so tired as I flopped over to the other side of my bed to see the clock. It said eight thirty-six. I moaned because now I was late for class. Oh wait! It's saturday! Suddenly my body filled with joy as I lazily flopped back onto my pillow for an extra hour of sleep. I closed my eyes and I was dozing off.....

"Julia! Juila! Wake up, girl!"

Someone was shaking me over and over, but I pretended I was still asleep.

"Come on, Jules, lets go down to breakfast!!!!!"

Okay, now I know who it is! I thought, opening my eyes and looking at Alondra, my best friend.

"I'm up, I'm up," I said, pulling myself out of bed, and shuffling over to my mirror.

"Sooooo, I heard about the ball.....," She said, her eyes on me.

"Yeah, who do you want to go with?" I asked sarcastically, knowing who her crush was. It was obviously one of the popular guys in Hufflepuff. There are five of them, their names are Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and last but not least, the cutie, Harry Styles.

"Mayyyyybbbbeeee its Harry....." She said, combing her hair and walking over to the vanity with me. I looked at her and smirked. She continued to comb her hair as I brushed my teeth and put on a grey tee, a yellow cardigan, and black skinny jeans.

After we finished grooming ourselves, we made our way down to the Great hall for breakfast. All the Hufflepuffs were already at our table, and there was an empty spot left just for us. Alondra grabbed my arm and we ran to the empty seats. Once we got to the bench and slipped in our seats, we realized who we were sitting next to. The popular guys. I was next to Niall and Alondra and she was next to Louis and me.

"Hey Julia," Niall said, squirting ketchup on his sausages.

"Hello, Niall," I replied, probably blushing. I reached for the stack of toast in front of me and grabbed two pieces.

"Want some jelly on that?" Niall asked, his mouth full of sausage.

"Sure! I'll take... Grape!" I laughed, Holding my fingers to my chin. Niall reached for the jar in front of him and dipped his fingers into the plump purple jelly. He brought his purple-covered fingers to his mouth and sucked on them. I started laughing as my elbow hit my goblet of pumpkin juice, sending it to the floor. It spilled all under us, but Niall just laughed.

"Shit!" I giggled, throwing a few napkins onto the spill.

"You sure do laugh a lot, Jules!" Niall chuckled, taking a piece of my toast and spreading some jelly on it.

"I can't help it!"

I poured myself a glass of Orange Juice.

"Oh, Julia, about the ball, Zayn might ask you," Niall replied.

I spit my juice

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