Chapter One: Trouble

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"YES!" Then I realized what I had just done. Oh my gosh I had NO idea Flitwick was still explaining the homework! The whole class fell silent even Flitwick, our short and stout charms teacher. I felt my cheeks going completely red. I sunk a little lower in my seat, as eyes rested on me.

"What I was going to say next, is this essay will be due Friday, one foot of parchment is the requirement, but more can be added if you please. NOW you may be dismissed," he said, looking straigt at me, "and Julia, come up to my desk before you leave."

Dang that was me. Why in the world did I do that? I am getting detention for sure, I thought wearily. I sighed as the rest of the class raced each other out the door. I went up to his desk and he started to speak.

"Julia, I wanted to let you know, there is a well, um, dance, or uh, ball, I should say, coming up in two weeks, and would like you to hang up these posters for me," then he looked down and said, "I'm far too small to hang up posters, and you are the tallest girl in the whole entire class. Plus, you have done something wrong, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself, young lady." He looked at me sternly, as I looked down and shuffled my feet.

" I'm so sorry, professor Flitwick, sir, I don't know what got into me. I hope you can forgive me, and I know I deserve a detention."

He looked surprised and said, " No Julia, no detention is necessary. I do forgive you, if you promise to behave better in the future."

" I promise, sir, and the posters will be hung in no time at all!"

"That's the spirit, now I will see you Friday with that essay!"

"you too, sir, have a nice evening," I said cheerily, exiting the classroom with a stack of posters in my arms, and my brown bag slung over my shoulder.

When I got out of the classroom, I did a small fist pump. I got off Scott-free, and there was going to be a ball!


I started hanging up posters all over the school, up on walls, classroom doors, and on portraits that winced when I placed a poster over their faces. I haven't mentioned this, but I am a Witch attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am in Hufflepuff house. Okay, okay, I know what you are thinking, but I am not a pathetic wimp because I'm in Hufflepuff. I am in my fifth year, I am fifteen years old. I have curly black hair down to my shoulders. I am the tallest girl in my whole year, but I am fairly skinny. I do wish I was as pretty as my best friend Alondra, who has bright red dyed hair and is medium height. Lucky git, but I love her, she's my best friend, what do you expect?

When I was done hanging up all of the yule ball posters, except for two, I made my way into the Hufflepuff common room, going straight to the boys dormitory door, and plastered a poster right on the dang door. They should be ready to ask us to the ball by tomorrow. Ha ha, I thought, like the guys in our class could pack up enough courage to ask us to the ball. Then I thought about Liam. Why did I just think about Liam Payne at a time like this! He's a popular, he would never in a trillion years ask a dweeb like me...

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