Chapter 9: Our "Grand" Entrance

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When Alondra and I were walking down to the common room when we had finished getting ready, she clutched my arm tightly as we shakily hobbled down the steps in our heels. When we got to the bottom we were greeted by the boys. Their mouths were wide open and they glanced at each other, blushing. We stood there and smiled widely. Then Alondra gracefully put out her hand and was acting like a princess. Then Louis, who was acting like a prince, took it, kissed it and started walking with her to the great hall, giggling. Then Zayn came up to me, and linked arms with me and said, 

"You look ama-zayn girl! Glad you came with me!" I laughed, and pulled him closer. 

"You look great too, Zayn, nice dress robes. Do you want to wait for the other boys' dates? I do personally!" Zayn looked at me and said, 

"Sure thing Jules, and thanks!" Soon the other dates came. Harry was going with a Gryffindor fourth year, Allyson Creemore who had her brown hair up in a braided bun and she was wearing a midnight blue sparkling gown that looked like the night sky. Niall was taking Leona Simmons who had wavy blond hair that fell past her shoulders and she had sparkly orange braces. Her dress was orange and it poufed out a bit past her knees. Liam was taking a girl with blond and pale pink curls. Her lips were pale pink, and she had a beautiful turquoise mermaid dress on. She looked at me and looked away, grabbing Liam's arm. I felt a pang of hurt in my heart, for some odd reason. We all proceeded into the great hall, Zayn and I unlinked arms and started up a lively conversation about which team would make it to the Quidditch world cup next year.

Then we made it to the great hall, which was a majestic scene. The tables that usually took up the majority of the space were pushed away to an unknown place, and the floor was bewitched to look like ice, and the ceiling to look like it was snowing. There was a refreshment table with punches, snack foods, and beautiful ice sculptures representing all of the house founders, and Ice sculptures representing the guest school for the Triwizard Tournament- Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. All of the couples were sitting at their tables, awaiting dinner. So, we decided to go down.

Zayn and I started walking down the steps first, I put on my best face and i held myself poised and perfect. I felt eyes on me and Zayn, I couldn't help but feel like a celebrity! Then I waved at Alondra and Louis who were already sitting down. Then, my heel slipped, and i started falling! Zayn tried to catch me, but I stumble down all of the stairs, my dress flying up in the process, and I slipped onto the floor, dizzy-like. 

Zayn rushed down the stairs to help me. I then noticed all eyes were on us, pus, people were laughing. Red in the face, Zyn pulled me up, and escorted me to our table along with Alondra and Louis. They were both stifling giggles, so I slapped them playfully, but hard. Best friends do that kind of stuff you know?

A/N Abrupt stop, I know, hehe. See you all l8r 4 my next chapter!!!

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