Chapter Three: Zayn Mailk and Me

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"ZAYN??!?!?!" I said a little too loud. Zayn looked over, and Niall shooed him off.

"Yeah, he was talking about you all evening, and when Lou told him he should ask you to the ball, he said okay," Niall said with a big smile. I was shocked. A popular boy? Asking me, Julia? This was too much. Why would he even want to? Suddenly my mind flashed back to last week when we both studied down by lake and swam all night.

I looked into his brilliant blue eyes and gave him the - 'If you're lying I'll kill you' look. He looked into my eyes and gave me a -' I'm not lying and you know it because zayn is right behind us' look. I suddenly turned around and there was the one and only Zayn Malik. His hands were in the pockets of his dark jeans and his face was red.

I turned completely red and stuttered, "Uh, hi! I guess."

Niall was holding his mouth to stifle many giggles, then he turned purple and dashed over to Harry to let them out.

"Uh, hey Julia..... vas happein'?" Zayn said very quietly as he slipped into the seat next to me. Alondra didn't notice- she and Louis were mixing up different foods into some kind of concoction.

"Nuthin' much," I said, looking a my plate. My heart was racing and I was biting my lip to hide a large smile.

"I had fun last week! My notebooks are still wet from when you threw them in the lake!" He started to laugh and so did I.

"And my transfiguration notes still have butts drawn all over them!" I laughed, thinking about when Zayn and I doodled asses on my notes by the lake. He patted me on the back as our laughing died down.

"Hey Julia, look at me," he whispered, and I looked him in the eyes, and I was mezmirized. He had dark brown eyes, and those dark natural eyelashes girls could only get with mascara.

" Julia," he took my hand and I almost fainted. "would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

My head was spinning so much and I was so happy and confused. Looked at Zayn in his brilliant eyes and kissed his cheek. Right there in front of the whole Hufflepuff class. The people around us clapped and Niall wolf-whistled. I blushed immensely when he said, " Is that a yes, then?"

Without thinking on it at all I said, "Yes, Zayn Malik, I will definitely go to the ball with you!"

The crowd of Hufflepuffs erupted in cheers. I heard one person sobbing, and they dashed out of the great hall.

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