Chapter 7: More Zayn, and a note

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After school, I bumped into the one and only Zayn Malik. 

"Hey Zayn!" I cheered.

"Hey Julia!" He said.

"So, I bought my dress, but I'm not showing you till the Yule Ball in two days, so its a surprise." I said with a grim smile.

"Okay, Jules, I'll just make sure I look hot." He said with a wicked beautiful smile. 

"Well, I gotta get going, I have a detention cause me and Lou were passing notes, bye Zayn!" I said.

"Bye julia...." He said, then we stared at each other awkwardly. Then We leaned in and gently kissed each other. We broke apart as I said,

"Bye Love." And I walked away quickly.

Did I really just call Zayn "Love"? Wow, I'm pathetic and stupid, but also confident! Why am I so darn weird?

I skipped off to the detention room- also known as Snape's classroom, with a bit more spring in my step. On my way there, I saw a little paper airplane zoom past my face and do flips and corkscrews until it stopped in front of my face, unfolding itself. It was on a piece of filler paper, written in red ink. It said:

   Dear Julia, 

Hi, I am pretty sure you do not know who I am, but I want to tell you something. Meet me outside by the carriages st 10:00pm, the night of the Yule Ball. See you there.



 I was startled. My heart stopped, and I took deep breaths as I reread the note over again. Somebody must like me. Somebody other than Zayn......

A/N HEY PEOPLE! I know, I haven't posted in a while, and I'm working on my other story :) I decided to start working on this along w/ my other one :) I know, its short, sorreee :)



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