Chapter 7: Its you

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You took a deep breath."Okay! It’s time to face him. "

You walked onto the basketball court and saw everyone there, Orihime ,Rukia, Taksuki, Ichigo, Renji, and all the other students fooling around.

"hello! " you waved.

"Hello!! " They greeted you back.

Then after five minutes the basketball court gate opened with a 'dump'.

Voices of girls gossiping and cheering, and boys grumbling could be heard.  Because...?

The new hot and sexy P. E.  teacher took his entry.

He was taller and more muscular, wearing simple sports shorts and a sweatshirt; he still looked so handsome and attractive to you. His lips looked so welcoming for you to kiss, his muscular arms looked so wanting to you to engulf in his warmth, and his eyes that made your legs turn to jelly. You were remembering or wanting to be touched by him... You wanted him to hold you.. To kiss yo--

Snapping out of your thought, you spotted the girls drooling at him;  the sight made you burn  like hot lava, What am I thinking??  What is this feeling??  ...Jealous??  No!!  Why would I be??  He left me!!  But I want him now--- No stop (Name)  what the hell are you thinking??--

You let out a scream as Orihime shouted in your ear, causing you to fall down onto the cold gym floor; glancing up, you saw her confused figure.

"What was that for?? " You asked while rubbing your ear.

"I’ve been calling you for the past four minutes and you weren't responding! " she huffed while crossing her arms across her chest.

You giggled "Okay, okay, Sorry. "

She gave you her hand, you took it, and stood up.

Clap!  Clap!  Clap!

" Listen, everyone line up!! " called out your sexy P. E. teacher .

"Hai!! "

You all lined up.

"Now everyone Introduce yourselves! "

"Hai!  "

Everyone started saying their names out.

"Inoue Orihime! "

"Kurosaki Ichigo! "

" (Name).. " you said in a weak voice.

"what? " Grimmjow crooked an eyebrow and you gulped as he started to approach you . He was nearing you.. That means.. What if I disgust him??  Am I still a kid to him??  Did he ever love me??

Someone cleared his throat, you knew it was Grimmjow, continuing to look at the ground, his presence making you nervous.

"Excuse me? " he said in his deep voice.

You pulled up all your courage and said you name.

"(Name)! "

There was an awkward silence around the room 'Why isn't he saying anything?  you screamed inside your head.

"Okay. " He then turned and walked back to his spot, standing still  there for a few moments.

"So, Let’s get started! Everyone divide into two groups, get a basketball and pass to each other."

Hello!!! Sorry for not updating like centuries!!

Please tell me if you like it???

I like the Grimmjow P. O. V. Hehehe

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