Hiding behind words

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My hands all of a sudden became sweaty, Ichigo was here. How can I forget I belong to Ichigo!

"Hey, are you okay?" He stepped and took me in a hug gently afraid to hurt me. My arms stayed on the side.

He pull away from the hug and came an eye level with me. I blinked,"Yes Yes totally fine. I had a mild headache that's all."

He sighed,"I was worried when you didn't show up at school. Next time whenever you're sick, call me. Okay?"

I nodded.


"Why are you taking so long, Princess?" a voice came from her living room. A male voice.

I raised an eyebrow and looked down at Name, she gulped,"You have a guest, I see."

"Ye-Yeah. I was going to tell you that"

"I'm starving!" Both of our heads snapped towards the man standing at the door.

"Sensei ?"

Grimmjow sensei at Name's house, that too shirtless. What the hell is going on?! I looked back and forth at Name and Sensei. I waited Name to say something.

"He is family" she said while looking down.

"You never told me"


"We just met yesterday at school, and came here to give her a visit. That's all." Said Grimmjow Sensei.

I'm still not convinced though. Why is he shirtless?!

"Hey Ichigo you want to join us for dinner?" Name asked while grabbing my arm, I diverted my attention to her.

"Yea sure Love" I tugged a hair strand behind her ear. I wrapped an arm around her waist.
"So what are we having for dinner? Uhm sensei are you staying for dinner as well?" Hell he is.

"Yes" As expected.

I gave a challenging stare to sensei and he gave it back.
Before it became more heated, the door bell rang.

I turned around and saw a delivery guy "Here's your order sir" He handed me the 2 pizza boxes.

"How much?" I asked

"It's already paid sir."

"Oh okay thanks" and I shut the door.

"Smells delicious" said Name

"Sure does" I smiled.

We sat down and finished the pizzas within 5 mins. Name had 5 slices. She must be really hungry. I chuckled at her cuteness.

I shaked my head and gave her a peck on her lips. "You're adorable"  she blushed and pouted.

I felt daggers on my head and sensei was still here eating his last slice. "Are you going to stay Sensei?"

He looked at Name but she just averted her eyes and munched on her pizza.

"No, I was actually about to leav-" the bell rang.

"Who it might be, that too this late?" Name spoke as she got up. I don't think she should look, I took her wrist.

"Stay. I'll go check"


He thinks he love her? Bullshit! I hate how he holds her, fucking kiss her right in front of me. If only I could do something, but then I am her sensei, I can't ruin her school life.

When he finally got up to check the door I took the chance to snake my arm around her waist, and jerked her to me. I claimed her lips, and she was panting, I massaged her boobs with my free hand.


I pushed her away from to me.

"Hey Orihimae!" She exclaimed. "Rukia you are here too."

"We were worried about you so we thought to give you a visit. I hope we didn't disturbed you" said Hinata

"Sure sure no problem"

"We bought beer~" chimmed the big boobed kid.
I coughed.


Both of them were shocked. And tried to hide the beer.

"Sorry, we didn't know you were here?"

"Why are you here?"

"He is a family relative to Name" Ichigo helped me with the introduction.

I got up. "I'm leaving anyways." I hugged Name. She blushed. So responsive. Ichigo is definitely triggered and ready to pounce at me.

I waved all of them goodbye and left. Only one thing on my mind.

Can't wait to be inside her again.



I pushed Name to a tree, we were deep in the lawn, hidden by trees. We had lunch and came to this garden for a walk. That's what she thought.

I gently cupped her face in my hands. And then claimed her lips, I kissed her gently, careful not be rough, but to be romantic. I want her to remeber this kiss. I licked her bottom lips for entrance which she gave. We tongue fucked eachother. And my member getting hard, I grind it onto her. She gasped and broke the kiss.

"No no Name, I don't want that. Not now. Only when you are ready. "

She nodded

So we went back to the school and parted our ways for our classes.


What to do? I put my head down and silently cried in the washroom. I can't be playing with both of their feelings.


what will you do?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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