Chapter 2: I am always there for you

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You woke up with red puffy eyes . You did your regular chores and got ready for school. You locked your door and walked to your school .

"(Name) !"

You turned around and saw Ichigo ,Rukia ,Chad and Orihime.

"Hello!" You smiled.

"So how are you feeling now?" Rukia asked.

You had taken a leave from school saying you have a 'fever'. But the reason was overcome about HIM.

" I am fine now." You said .

Ichigo eyes softened , you might not know but he KNEW you were hurt.


"Good morning class" your teacher greeted.

"Good morning mam."

"So before the class starts , I want to make an announcement, ok? Now , on Our School Foundation Day, our school is organising a masqurade ball , I hope everyone of you will attend."announced your teacher.


Giggles , goosips and discussions could be heard.

"Now I want your homework now."



"Come have lunch with us (name)" said Orihime.

"No you ahead"you said.

"Come on " said Tatsuki.



You were alone on the roof, a tear escape your eyes thinking about HIM.

Brown orbes softened again where they saw you.

"(Name) "

You quickly wipe your eyes.

"Yes , Ichigo."you forced asmile.

"You didnt deserve him."


"You didnt deserve him." He said again.

"Ichigo."you wispered.

"I know you about HIM , i know how you feel about HIM ,...I just want tell you that you dont deserve him." He said .

You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out.

You didnt knew what took over you wrap your arms around him and sob.

"Shush ... I will always be there for you." Said Ichigo.


Chapter 2~

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