Chapter _9 The Reason...

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"I know you like her." smiles the old guy ,also known as your father . Grimmjow was shocked and was unable to form any words and he just kept his head down.

"Its nothing like that." Grimmjow said which was the exact opposite of what he truly feel.

Your father chuckled "I have seen the way you look at her,care for her, and always helping her here now and then."
Grimmjow blushed and slightly nodded his head.'Should I tell him..'

"But.." your father sighed ,"She is too young right now"-Grimmjow nodded in understanding."Thats why..give her time..time for her to grow up." Grimmjow nodded and kept his head down.

The nurse walked in the room and she gave your father the medicines he needed ,yes, your father had a caught a viral disease and was admitted in hospital .

"Your blood pressure is normal and are you having any pain in the body?" She asked.

"No I am fine."your father said.

"Okay good." By saying that the nurse went away.

Your father then smiled at you and place his hand on Grimmjow shoulder and said," Promise me you will wait for her son." Your father said with all seriousness.

Grimmjow did got hurt at the thought of not having you with him but then "yes i promise, I will wait for her."Your father smiled ."Well you are a very nice man Grimmjow I would love to have you as my son-in-law."your father chuckled while Grimmjow turned red as tomato!

After some days Grimmjow and you got closer each also the health of your father was getting worst and worst each day . You and Grimmjow were alwyays there for him.

You guys talked with the doctor .

"He is not very well and might not be able to recover." The doctor said.

"Wh-what??" Your started crying and sobbed in Grimmjow chest as he hugged you.

"Can we talk with him?"Grimmjow asked the doctor .

"Yes you can."

You guys walked to your fathers ward and saw him laying down and he smiled as you two approached him.

You started crying and hugged your father .

Your father shushed you ,"Dont cry my princess. You have all my blessings and I am grateful to be a father of such a nice daughter and dont worry I will see your mother soon ." He smiled while a tear falled down his right cheek.

"And Grimmjow" he extended a hand yowards Grimmjow . He took and kneeled down towards him.

"Fulfill the promise ." Your father lightly squeezed Grimmjow hand .Grimmjow nodded as he ran out of words. "Yes..i will.." your father smiled his last smile...

○●○Present time○●○

"I fulfilled my promise . But I guess I over did it by leaving you(Name) , but now I will show my 'true' love towards you and I willnot dissappoint you ever again. Those years were like centuries for me well I was away from you (Name) and Stella was nothing me ,that day when I left you I was broke ,I lost myself , I lost you a part of me got lost , complete me i have come back and I promise to myself this, that you will see the true love I have for you (Name ) you might have said you 'Moved on ' but..I know you still have those feelings for me. I am ready to accept them and I know my patience will be worth ." Grimmjow said while looking the dark sky full of stars .
"You have Moved on but I havenot"


Hi there so thats the reason because of which Grimmjow left you ...but will you forgive him and accept him? Or will you stay with Ichigo ?

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I will try my best to update as soon as possible . Enojy bye!

Read my other stories as well and yeah i was thinking of making a Black butler fanfic anyone imstrested??

Well have a nice day! I hope
You will smile today.

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