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You were on your bed and laying at your stomach. You didn't had the energy to get up and turn over. When you woke up today you felt weak and weren't able to move your boday properly.

You felt your throat dry ,in need of water. You turned your face to the left and saw a bottle of water on your bedside table. You got up on bed with all the might.

"I feel like a 60 year old grandma. " you sighed. Then you took the bottle and gulped down the bottle. And you gave a satisfied sigh and smiled.
You look up and saw that it was.... 2'o'clock?! You slept that late!

"What should i do today? " you tapped your chin with your index finger of your right hand and was playing the bottle cap.

"I cant go to school. Then i can do my homework? Nah! " you shaked your head. "or..... "

"you can kiss me. " said a familiar voice.

"huh?! " you snapped your head towards the sound that was coming from your closed window. And saw none other than... Grimmjow.

You narrowed your eyes and ignored his persence and well didn't opened the door . By that reaction of yours, he started knocking on your window. Louder, louder and louder....

"YOU WILL BREAK IT YOU IDIOT! " you shouted and flung the window open. You were breathing heavily ,with your shoulders rising up and down then you look up and saw him.. smirk.

You huffed and lay back on your bed and let him enter your room. With your eyes closed," Weren't you supposed to be at school? "

"The school is over and I came to check on you if you were okay or not. "

'He cares for me!!! ' you screamed on your head but kept your excitement to yourself. You noded and acted like you were sleeping well you were cold and buried yourself deeper in the blanket. But then you felt a dip on your bed. And you felt a body hovering over you. He is going to sleep with me?! you felt blood rise to your cheeks. Then you felt a hand on your head.

"Your really hot. " His breathe fanned your face. You slowly opened your eyes and saw him above you and a concerned expression on his handsome features. He is so hawt!

"Are you cold? " he asked concerned.

You gave a small nod, it was difficult for you to say anything while him on top of you! And his minty breathe fanning you lips ,his presence alone made you insane, all those love that you had for him back then right now was reflecting in his eyes.

The next moment you saw him getting off the bed, dont leave me you were missing the warmth the moment he left him. What?!!!!!  You blushed a deep red, when you saw him taking out his shirt and throwing it on the floor. Your eyes roam on his strong chest his eight packs and his V-line dissapearing in his jeans.... "Like what you see? " you locked your eyes with his and he smirked.

You snapped your head to opposite direction. I just checked him out! You mentally slapped yourself for doing that. Now you were feeling more blood rising up to your cheeks. Then you felt the bed dipped down and you felt arms on your waist pulling in a strong chest, Grimmjow chest Oh god!  Now you face almost equal to a tomato.

"Damn (Name) your freezing "

Yes i am! And i am insane too you idiot you were out of words. He turned you around, and combed your hair with his fingers. You felt great, you felt... Love.

"Sleep princess, I am here for you. " he said in a smoothing voice. With that you snuggled closer to his chest and fell in a deep slumber .

"Thanks" you whispered and felt asleep.

"Your very welcome princess " with that he kissed your forehead, lingering his lips for a little longer.
Well having a fever isn't that bad

I know you guys hate me!!! Sorry i was having writer's block!! And i am so encouraged by your comments and the votes you gave to this story Thank Thank so very much!  Next update with be done in a weeks time! Please comment! I love reading and replying them!!

And yeah English isn't my first language, so i need an editor. Can anyone help me?

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