Chapter 8 - Reason

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Thank you guys for ALL THE VOTES COMMENTS AND SUPPORT!! This story is really one of my favorites and i hope yours too! I am extremely sorry for not updating my story for like centuries!!!  From now on I will try my best!! And follow my friend carnagewriter

And you leave a comment!!

Qell boring AN finished!  You can enjoy the story.

(Not edited -way too lazy to do it!)

"Leave her" someone said in a demanding voice.

Grimmjow look up, and saw Ichigo with a 'i hate you'look. He ignored and gulped down his water bottle while wiping his sweat.

"What are you talking about? " Grimmjow said in an irritating voice while throwing daggers at him.

"She had already suffered aloot! Thanks to You! So please leave her alone! " Ichigo shouted at him.... But Grimmjow didn't say anything and Ichigo left afterwards.

**out the school**

You were waiting for Ichigo to come back as he went back to school since he had forgot something.

After waiting 5 mins or so.. You heard some footsteps and turned to found the last guy you ever wanted to see.... Grimmjow. You stared into his blue eyes.

He walked to you ,your eyes never leaving his.

"Hey.. "Grimmjow tried to start a conversation.

"Hi.. "you weakly replied.

"How are you.. "

Anger boiled inside you... You fisted ur hands.. Grimmjow saw that..

"I am good even after being played around by 'someone ' i m good" you said . You have to be strong around him. You shouldn't let him know that you still... Love him.. You still love..

"I am sorry. " Grimmjow whispered.

Hearing those three words coming out of his mouth made you want to run into his arms,hug him tightly,,forgetting everything that happened in the past.  Your eyes started to water, but you stayed stronged . You can't show him that he still have his affect on you... Too bad he had..

You kept quiet.

"I had a reason to left you.. "


"Yes you had! That Sophia girl was the reason! I know! So please dont need to be sorry because I dont give a damn! " you were fuming, "Do you even know that how much I was hurt! You were my first of everything! My first kiss, my first date and my first crush! And you did crush everything! Now I have 'Moved on' with Ichigo! and I dont care of that fucking reason of yours! You know what? I dont even care if you even exist! "

By saying that you walked away, years rolling down your cheek. But behind you, nothing but a broken hearted man was standing there.

He didn't want to leave there was reason thats why he left! He wanted to tell you! Hearing those hurtful things calling from you,the only girl he ever loved.. Made him ..cry, "I am so sorry.. And..
I did have a reason (Name).. "


Which reason was Grimmjow talking about?? Stay tuned with "Move on" in order to know it! And yes!  i need help regarding the story its a tablet so I have to type it on! And its irritating because sometimes the data got lost! So I need your help what i want you to do is:-
Give me suggestions and ideas
Write a whole scenario if you can that will help me aloot and yeah i need pictures and banners for this story and other stories as well if you can ONLY IF YOU CAN THEN PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Move on (Ichigo x reader x Grimmjow)Where stories live. Discover now