Chapter 6: ○●○●○Time to face HIM !!!○●○●○

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"My name is Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez "

You felt like being smashed to a wall . Your plams were sweating and your heart was racing at an inhuman speed .

"Thank you Mr Jaegerjaquez ." Said your principle. " Now the students may go to their respective classes." By that she dismissed everyone .

You were in a state of shock, unable to move amd you were staring at the ground , deep in thought.

'He is back? Why is he here? What happened that made him come here? What is he doing here? Of all the schools he found THIS school? Why? After everything has gone in its place, why is he back? Why?'

"(Name) !" Orhime called out for you.

But you were deep in thought.

'This might be my chance ! I can make him love me ! All he need is a push! He said he like me but he never said he loves me...But yes now! I will make him! I will! I wil- but ...what about Ichigo? The one who was there for me? What am I thinking? Grimmjow left me! I chigo was there!...but I love Grimmjow .....I love Ichigo too! I love-I love-'

"Ichigo." You gasped , Ichigo had hugged you. You instantly returned the hug .

He rubbed your back,"Its okay, I am here now."

"Thank you" you buried your face in his chest. And tried your best not to cry.

"Everything okay?" Asked Renji , concern flashing in his eyes.

Ichigo noded,"Everything is fine."

Renji noded in return and so did everyone else.

○●○●Time skip○●○●


" P.E. period !!" Shouted the monitor of the class.

"Hayi!!" Everyone responsed in return.

"Oh no." You dont want to go to the P.E. class cause HE would be there.

"You coming (Name) ?" Asked Orihime.

You were deep in thought.'I want to meet him...I miss him.'

Orihime waved her hand infront of your face."Hello?..Earth to (Name) !" You were still deep in thought.


" AHHH!!!"

You fell from your chair, and hitted your head, "Ouch!" You rubbed the back of your head.

"(Name)!!!" Orihime rushed to your side.

"Thanks" you said as she helped you in getting up.

"Lets go (Name)! Orihime!" Shouted Tasuki


"Hey!! Lets play basket ball!" Taksuki suggested.

"Sure!!" Everyone said.

" Hello!" Said a heavily voice....

"Ehh! He is the new P.E. teacher!" Screamed some girls.

You rolled your eyes. You felt ..anger..yes anger! And ...and..are you..jealous?

You shake your head and mentally slapped yourself.

"Hai! I am your new P.E. teacher." Said

"Ohayo!!" Greeted everyone.

You gave out a deep breathe ...





"Time to face him! I am no longer that weakling!"


Hai! Sorry for this late like REALLY late update!

I am busy with the festival preparations and all! Sorry!!

And yes!





And yes it is unedited!

Sorry for any mistajes if any! And yes! Please check out my Anime oneshot book! Have oneshots of Bayakuya and Renji too! Check them out!

Have a nice day! I hope you smile today!


Move on (Ichigo x reader x Grimmjow)Where stories live. Discover now