Chapter 3:♡♥♡Will you be my date?♡♥♡

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"Its tasty!" Orihime chimed.

"Serioisly?" You asked.

"Its a pastry made of soya sauce , fish sauce , and yah! I put tariyachi sauce also. A lot of chocolate , a bit of sugar , salt and pepper, flour of course! Also some great other things I am forgetting right now." Orihime said while putting a finger under her chin , things about the ingridents. Everyone else sweat dropped.

"Wanna try it (name)-kun?" Orihime offered her pastry in front of you.

"No thanks , I am fine with my lunch." You said.

"No , please try it!" Orhime said, "It is really nice." She made a puppy dog face. You sweatdropped, "Hey Keigo , you try wanna it? " Orihime took the 'pastry' towards Keigo.

Keigo start shaking his head , "Innoue -san , I already ate."

"Oh no!" Orihime pouted.

You smiled .After Ichigo's smoothing words you had started to talk to everyone. A smile went up to his lips , seeing you smiling .


"Hey ! (Name ) whom are going with?" Asked Orihime .

You blinked. "Uhm.. what are you talking about?" You asked innocently.

Gasps were heard in the group.

"You dont know!" Everyone shouted.

"What?!" You asked.


Now you knew why every 'guy' was trying to talk to you . 'Asking me to be their date.' You thought.

'I hope Ichigo would ...... NO!' You metally slapped yourself. 'Why would he go out with me? But there is a chance since Orihime is with Ulquoria, Rukia with Renji, Tatsuki with Chad(me- ;-P ) and so on , since everyone is going with someone. I might have a chance...' You blushed. "Snap out (Name)!" You shouted out.

"About what?" Asked a familiar voice.

"Huh?" You turned around to find Ichigo .

"What thinking about?" Concerened could be seen in voice.

"About you." You mumbled.


"Ah !ah! Nothing!" You said hurriedly.


Then silence, an ' awkward 'silence took over.

'Should i ask ?' You both thought.



You said at the same time. You both blushed.

"Uhm , you say first!" Again you both spoke together.

"Uhm, *cough* (Name ), ...... wiillyoubemydate?" He rushed it.

You blinked."What?" You asked.

Ichigo blushed, "Will you be my date?"

You blushed.





















Chapter3 done~

I hope you like it! Soory for any mistakes if any.


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*Comment please because then only I'll know that anyone is reading it or not, if there are no comments I might not continue.*

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