in her element

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With agony present in his voice and blood dripping down his forehead, he looked at me.

"Y/N when I said yes to spending the night with you- I thought we would have fun-n, little did I know this would become the most fucked up night of my life."

*3 hours earlier*

                    *3 hours earlier*

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The loud noises, people yelling at each other for no reason, the sound of glasses clinking, the dizzying lights and the sight of people throwing up and throwing themselves on random strangers is enough give me a migraine.

Ironically, Y/N seems to be in her element. She drags me thru the dance floor and forces me to dance with her.

"I was not ready for this, I don't feel like dancing" I say, looking down because the lights are blindingly bright.

"At least this is better than the shithole of a place we were in before" she yelled into my ears.

Thanks for making me feel blind and deaf at the same time Y/N.

"Let's sit somewhere" I say knowing that I sound like a buzzkill.

"God you never adjust." Y/N whines. 

"Let's at least get some drinks" she demands, I give up and end up agreeing.

I shove myself in a corner willingly while she gets the drinks. I zone out and stare at y/n but I come to back my senses quickly. y/n is causing chaos again with the bartender this time. 

"I asked for 2 not 4" y/n yells. 

"Yeah I didn't hear you properly" the bartender answers

"Isn't hearing people's order your job? Yeah? Then fucking do your job correctly." Y/N says obnoxiously.

Not again. I roll my eyes and walk closer to both of them.

"Just take the 4 for free I don't care" the bartender lays down the offer to Y/N.

"I want what I fucking asked for! Don't you get that?" Y/N yells.

Getting free stuff has never hurt anyone. This girl is an idiot.

"Y/N Chill! it's alright!" I step in to stop all this.

"I would 'chill out' If this douchebag shuts up" Y/N yells making sure the bartender hears it.

I try to gently escort Y/N to our seat nearby

"No offence but why are you picking fights with everyone you come across?"

Y/N shouts, "You really think it's my fault?"

"Yeah I do! It's obvious Y/N!" I look at her.

"Can you quit being a bitch already, Elijah?" she yells 

"What did you say? I am being a bitch?" I say, still keeping my calm.

"You think It's my fault and I am some crazy bitch with anger issues I see how it is." she snaps back

"No it's not like tha-" she cuts me of "You know what? fuck you! Don't be with me if you hate me! Go back to living your old boring fucking life!" 

"You invited me here so you are not gonna be the one abandoning me. I am leaving first! " I say and we both storm off into opposite directions.

Saying things without sugar-coating them, I struggle with that. That's why I was entertained to see Y/N be blunt to a bunch of strangers. 

It was only satisfying to see Y/N be an asshole to other people. When she flipped out on me, I realized it's unpleasant to be on the receiving end. 


So, I roamed around the premesis for a bit and I saw him, Braxton!? A wave of nostalgia took over me, I went to high school with guy.

He was tall, dark, handsome with a muscular built. Therefore every girl in school wanting to fuck him was ineviatable.

He was the reason for every girl being jealous of me, for scoring him in high school. He was as usual, surrounded with his best friends just chilling and fucking around.

I walked up to them and Braxton blinked in surprise then he welcomed me in for a hug.

"Hey! It's been a long time Y/N. You still look as hot as you did before" he said jokingly. I laughed and offered to take him to the dance floor.

We danced and talked for what felt like hours. I was already having more fun with Braxton than I did with Elijah.


I see Y/N on the dance floor dancing with her new friends. She has completely forgotten about me or anything around her, for that matter.

I giggle as I see Y/N dancing weirdly, making a complete fool out of herself. That is the purest thing I have ever seen.

She is laughing and chatting with her friends, they seem drunk. She has a cute laugh! She has never laughed in front me like that, that would explain why I never noticed her laugh.

Y/N is in the moment right now and It would kill me If someone or something ruins it.

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