Co operation

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"How are we not dating yet?"

Did I hear that right? This woman just spoke my mind.

"It's funny. I've always wanted to ask you that." I reply.

y/n chuckles in response, "Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?"

"yeah." she holds my hands.

It feels nice, having y/n be responsive for once. After that instance we stay silent for the rest of the trip which actually made the time we had together more valuable.


I wake up to the sun blaring into my pupils from the window next to me. I sit up and notice I fell asleep in y/n arms. If I knew that I would have stayed like that for loner, to keep living that moment.

I wake y/n up and we hit the streets of Calfornia. It is a fairly sunny day, it feels pretty positive and hopeful. It's crazy how much weather can impact your mood.

I lost track of y/n because I was in deep in my thoughts. I turn around and see y/n is leaning up against a wall. She is holding her stomach and there's a hint of agony on her face.

"Are you okay?"

She nods her head from left to right. She is saying she is not in pain but her expressions tell otherwise, "You are clearly not okay."

She looks down and deepens her self hug while crouching down slightly, "How am I suppose to make you feel better, if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"Who told- you to make me feel better?"

"No one did and no needs to."

"y/n, tell me what's wro-" she cuts me off, "Cramps. I think- period cramps." she stutters.

"uh- stay here okay?"

She nods and I enter a small convinience store. It is very conjusted. It looks like a small, pricey apartment you'd get in New York City. I lock eyes with the cashier and try my best to act nonchalant while making my way into the aisle.

I turn to my left then to my right and get as close to the shelf as possible. I sneakily slide the box of tampons into my pocket. I am doing good. I am halfway there, I just need to successfully get out of here.

I stuff both of my hands in my pockets and keep my eyes on the exit door. I take big steps towards it. I sigh and close my eyes in relief when I acknowledge that I am 2 steps away from the exit.

My hearts drops as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I celebrated too quickly.

"Sir, I saw you on the cameras, stealing. Kindly, cooperate as we need to get the authorities involved now." I am met with the same cashier I saw earlier.

"Authorities." that word is repeating itself in my head. I can't let this happen, there's no way. Out of impulse, I punch the guy right in the face and make a run for it.

The alarm going off as I crossed the door, the noise of my big steps ringing in my ears and blood running down m fists. That's how y/n saw me in the distance. I don't have time to explain to her what happened. The guy is chasing me down.

I grab her hand to run with me but she doesn't move and complains about her pain. "Fuck." I mumble and pick her up.

"What the hell are you doing?"

We run for what feels like hours but we finally lose the dude. I enter a mall from it's back exit.


I went into the restroom to freshen up because elijah wasn't telling me anything. I was left in anticipation. It was frustrating.

"What the hell is happening elijah?"

"Wait here." he left and I rolled my eyes. I was too tired of his antics to even follow him. Fuck that.

"There's something wrong with my phone" a stranger approached me. I was caught off guard. What the fuck does he want now?


"It doesn't have your number in it" he smiled. I smiled back in surprise, he was acting like this place was club.

"That was bad. No wonder you are hitting on women in the mall."

"I am sorry. I- anyways I am Mark."

I couldn't give away my real name to a stranger but I wanted to keep the conversation going, "I am Nancy, let's be friends."

He looked rich, I could tell by his attire. He could serve a good purpose to us, me and elijah. We had no place to stay. Maybe this dude could lend us some help.

"Just friends? really Nancy?" he frowned playfully and continued to flirt with me. I conversed to him with the same energy.

After a while of us talking about the weather and astrology Elijah comes back, "I was gone for two minutes and you are already flirting with some blondie." he joked but no one laughed. It wasn't a joke, elijah was right.

His expressions dropped as he realised his guess was right. "um do you know him?" Mark asked.

"He is Nathan and we are friends!" I lied because I knew Mark wanted me and he would only help me if he thought he had a chance with me.

I shushed elijah. "Ah I see he is your guy "friend" Mark said out of spite.

"He is not just my guy friend but my gay friend!"

Eljah turned over to me with his mouth wide open. "Ohh! Where are you guys headed anyways?" Mark asked.

"Nowhere. We have no where to go." I said.

"Aw! of course you do! I am your friend and this is what friends are for! come stay at my place. Your gay pal can come too!" he smiled and elijah looked at him in disgust.

We followed Mark to his car, "We need a place to stay so just fucking cooperate please." I whispered to elijah.

"Okay. I guess I'll cooperate and be your gay friend!" he stated, sarcastically.

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