The Lesson

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Elijah wanted to get wasted at 1 in the afternoon because 'he craved it' what the fuck. I guess I didn't mind it because he was finally bringing out his "crazy" side.

He's a fun person when he is gets drunk too so it felt like a win-win situation.

I had like one sip of whisky and that's all. I couldn't get myself to drink at 1 in the afternoon without getting the urge to throw up.

While Elijah was having a good time getting wasted, I look out the window and I see Cayla. I couldn't believe it. I was planning to hunt her down but the universe has put her right in front of my eyes. What are the odds?

I was genuinely excited to see her but I didn't exactly know why though.

There was this adrenaline rush taking over my body.

I just grabbed Elijah's arms and pulled him towards Cayla's direction. She recognised both of us even before we reached to her,

"Heyyy uh what's up?" she looked at the both of us with confusion-dwelling eyes.

"I came here to see you." I said, truthfully.

"What is he doing here?" she pointed at elijah who was chuckling his drunk ass off.

I glance at elijah and a smirk forms on my face. I loved it when drunk elijah struck and overpowered regular elijah.

"He's my boyfriend Cayla. I take him everywhere just like I took you everywhere."

Cayla scoffed, "What are you trying to do?"

"Oh no! no! we haven't fucked yet." elijah blurted out with concern written all over his pale face.

"Ew. no! I didn't ask." Cayla looked away as I laughed at hammered elijah's shennanigens.

Elijah yelled, "How's life ha? How's the girl you left me for? I hope she is making you happy like I never did!" he threw shade. Man he was gonna regret all of this when he becomes sober.

"Answer me babe!" he continued to scream.

"No she doesn't not make me happy! she broke my heart just to fuck my ex boyfriend." she replied bluntly while looking at me.

"what!!!??? this is fucking crazy!!" elijah said dramatically yet goofilly.

"Cayla. I know you may think I am the bad guy here but that's not entirely true. I was always clear about us being casual. You pulled a fast one and fell in love. I am not responsible for that, I'm sorry."

She looked down to hide her tears, "Your right. I might be depressed but hey at least you made me discover my sexuality. I'll forever be thankful for that!"

"You are depressed!!?? Have you looked at me? I-I isolated myself, all I did was sleep and eat! Cayla you ruined me!" elijah made the atmospshere unsetteling again.

"It's not a damn competetion Elijah." cayla broke her silence.

"So let's settle this over a threesome. What do you guys say?" I joked, making everyone laugh.

"I am down!" elijah grinned.

"Ofcourse you are! but guys I have work to do! It was alright meeting you. Better than I thought for sure." cayla left the scene.

I think she is fine, not in a romantic way but she was good company to have around. I should've stayed friends her.

"Hey!" she turned around out of nowhere.

"Elijah! I broke up with you because I didn't want you to suffer in an one-sided relationship. I could have easily kept you in the dark about my sexuality to make you happy but I didn't, because that happiness would have been fake and temporary. I broke up with you for your own good, you moron." she chuckled.

She left with that statement. It was the last thing she said ever to any of us. It made a big impact especially on Elijah.

I looked over to my right and elijah threw up on the street. "God, you have had too much to drink." I took him to sit down somewhere. He needed to calm down.


Cayla was cemented as a bad dream in my memory, after the break-up. Today, all of that changed because of y/n. I would not remember Cayla cause of the sorrow she caused me but for the lesson she taught me. The lesson of taking in account both perspectives.

After I threw up, y/n took me to a park bench so I gain my stability back. She thinks I don't recall the conversation but everything is as fresh as rain in my mind.

"I shouldn't have downed two bottles of vodka in the middle of the afternoon." I rest my head on y/n's shoulder.

She laughs and gets up. Something grabs her attention, she approaches a newspaper stall. Her eyes widen. She immeadietely takes my hand and books it into an alleyway.

"Are you okay? What did you see?" I ask after we come to a stop.

She places her hands on her knees and starts to breathe heavily. She is not ready answer right now. I need to wait for her to gather back her composure.

Today's already been a crazy day with Cayla's and stuff. I don't want anything to escalate.

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