chapter 26

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We eventually make it to the ski resort, the cold air seeping into the bus making me regret not wearing a heavier jacket.

"It's freezing," I groan, rubbing my arms with my hands as I curl into the bus seat.

"Here, take this, I don't need it," Matt extends me his fur lined jacket, and I don't hesitate to grab it from him.

I make eye contact with Chase while doing so, his eyes flicking down to the jacket in my hands before turning away.

After waiting a few minutes for the front of the bus to unload, it's eventually our turn to get off and go inside.

The five of us get our room keys, me taking one of Matt's, and go to find our rooms.

"We ski in pairs, so we should decide who's skiing with who," Ethan says, and I nod.

I'm not sure who Chase is going to ski with, considering I'm going with Matt and Blaire is with Ethan, but that's something he's gonna have to figure out. Why do I feel bad?

As we make our way to the elevators, a group of three girls approach us, heading straight for Matt.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to be my ski partner? I've been trying to find one and you look... perfect," she says, batting her eyelashes at him.

Please say no, please say no.

"Yeah, of course, babe. Meet me in the lobby in 15," he says to her, sending her off with a wink.

We all get on the elevator, and I smack Matt in the arm.

"What the fuck, Matt! You're supposed to be my partner," I say, and he shrugs.

"Sorry, Del, but when a hot girl asks, you don't decline," he says, and I whine throwing my head back.

"Who am I supposed to go with now?" I say, and Matt shoots Ethan a look.

"Well, there is someone else in this very elevator without a partner..." he says, and I want to slap him in the face.

This is his second betrayal of the day.

"Chase, would you be Delaneys partner?" Matt says, and I keep my gaze on the ground.

He's definetly going to say no, which will only just embarrass me more. Can I really blame him, though?

"I would love nothing more than to be Delaneys partner," he says through sarcasm and a tight lipped smile.

"Well it's settled then! Let's all meet downstairs in 15, yeah?" Matt says as the elevator doors open, the five of us heading to our rooms.

Once Matt and I are inside, I don't hesitate to yell at him.

"First the bus, and now this! You know I can't be around him, Matt! Why did you do that?" I say, my hands in the air.

"Because you might not see it right now, Delaney, but you two need each other. I don't know what's holding you back, but me, Blaire, and Ethan will make sure the two of you are holding hands and skipping into the sunset by the end of the weekend," he says, and I throw my head back.

"I already told you I can't be with him!" I say, and he shakes his head.

"See that's not enough, though, because it's clear to me and anyone with eyes that you two want to be together. You need to put aside whatever is holding you back and learn to live in the moment, Delaney. Now hurry up and get ready, I'll be downstairs looking for my partner," he says, grabbing his skis and walking out the door.

Why does he make it sound so easy, living in the moment? Did I make the wrong choice, breaking this thing off with me and Chase?

I decide to stop thinking for once, grab my skis and head downstairs.

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