chapter 32

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Delaneys POV

After the drive back to town from Chases fight, the conversation him and Grayson had is sort of stuck on replay in my mind.

I know he said he didn't know they were dating, and I believe him, it's just so weird to think about how... active he was before I moved here.

To each their own, and I'd never judge, I just find it shocking how after so many women he's never had a connection with any of them. I know he's never really stuck around long enough to find one, but still.

What's so special about me?

The news about Chase and I dating spread around school pretty fast, but I guess Chase and I walking down the hallway hand in hand did little to stop the message.

Now we're in lunch, his arm around my waist as we listen to Matt talk excitedly about his senior lacrosse season. Their first practice is today after school, apparently all three of them have played on the team together since freshman year.

"Come watch our practice, cheer us on," he says, the hope in his eyes that Blaire and I agree making it sort of hard to decline his offer.

Then I remember that I actually can't, because I landed a job at that retail store and I really need to start making money.

"I wish I could, but I have my first day of work today," I tell him, his frown matching Chases at my revelation.

"You got the job?" He asks, and I nod with a small smile. It fades at his prominent frown, though, and suddenly I'm confused.

"This is good for me, why are you upset?"

"I hate that you need to worry about working in order to live," he says, and I squeeze his hand.

"It's practically the same as what you're doing, except I'll be standing behind a cash register instead of a pair of bloody fists," I tell him, a small smile poking out at my words.

"You're really okay? Like I said, I can help-"

"I don't need, or want, your help. I can handle this, Chase. Trust me," I tell him, his head bobbing in a nod before we turn our attention back to the group.

I appreciate his efforts to help, but I really don't need them. Having a job isn't going to do anything but take away my free time, which I'd probably spend in my room anyway considering Chase is starting lacrosse.

Most importantly, though, I'll have money.

My birthday is this Thursday, and I still haven't talked to my mom about what's going on. I remember our conversation clearly, but her behavior recently has been sort of confusing.

The last I spoke to her was to confirm it was actually her who left the photo on my dresser, because my paranoia didn't let me believe it completely without confirmation.

"Where are you working?" Blaire asks.

"Macy's in the mall," I tell her, the rest of the group nodding.

"What're your hours?" Chase asks, and I take out my phone to check my schedule because to be honest I don't even know off the top of my head.

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