Rain (5.13)

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(Harry POV)

Rain was the first sign of spring. Spring was my favorite time. Snow melts away. Flowers grow. And not to mention the smell. Its a beautiful grass smell.

We finished another traumatic day of DADA. Y/N and me landed ourselves in detention. Again. But only because y/n dropped her book and i got up to help her.

I walked out and stared at the courtyard. I had to pass through it to get to Herbology. I groaned at the sight of pouring rain. I didn't want rain today. I put my jacket over my head and ran.

(Draco POV)

I hate rain and always will. Such a unpleasant thing. Wet sticky clothes are uncomfortable. Not to mention how annoying the sound is.

I walked the corridors dreading my next class. I still had a good ten minutes. I looked out and saw y/n dancing in the rain. I wanted to yell at her. She was going to get sick.

I groaned as i looked up at the sky. I put my jacket on my head and walked to her.

"What are you doing?" I hissed meaner than i meant to be.

She stopped and looked at me.

"I wasn't bothering you so i guess its not your business."

My lips curled upwards. Even when she was annoyed she looked pretty.

"Is the Draco Malfoy smiling at me?" She said.

At this point i was already soaked. I let down my jacket.

"No, and if i'm such a bother than ill leave." I turned my foot to step away hoping she'd ask me to come back.

"Thats fine by me. I dont want the person who brought me to Voldemort and then proceeded beat me up to hang around me."

I gritted my teeth


"You didn't do anything to stop it Draco.." She replied.

She was right. I didn't. But i made a unbreakable vow. I had too.

"Why did you even start hating me?" I asked brushing my hair away.

"Because you were mean to Hermonie." She told me.

We were now late to class.

"Or you're just biased because i'm a Slytherin." I said weakly.

She started to walk to Herbology. I followed.

"No i'm not." She replied

"Yes you are." I said with a smirk luckily she didn't see.

"No i'm not."

"Yes you are."

This went on for about two minutes. I knew we sounded like siblings bickering. But i didn't care because i was next to her.

We walked in the doors of Herbology and all eyes turned on us. I looked at potter who seemed to let go of a breath he was holding but then his face looked angry. He looked at me and glared.

"I'm so sorry professor! The rain held us up." Y/N said. She covered for me. She covered for ME. Me of all people.

"No worries darling take a seat!" Professor sprout said. I always knew Sprout took a liking to Neville, Hermonie, and y/n. Because they aced every test and every homework assignment.

I walked to my regular spot and started to day dream. My dad was begging me to consider turning into a death eater. I told him and the dark lord that i could get caught too easily.

I was dreading going home.


I stood next to Harry and tried to ignore his attempts to get me to look at him.

"Psst." Harry said.


"What were you doing with Draco?"

"He just came up to me and started acting weird. Like he likes me or something." I told him

I felt him grab my waist and pull it closer to him. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"I have to make sure everyone knows your mine." He said with a smile.

 I rolled my eyes. "I think they know."

He smiled. "Just have to make sure."

(Harry POV)

I watched Sprout. "Alright kids stay here for a minute i have to go grab something." She said as she walked out of the room. 

I grabbed y/ns chin and pulled her into a semi-rough kiss. She smiled into my lips.

"Happy now?" She asked me.

"Yes very much." I replied.

"Yuck you two are gross." Dean replied.

"I second that!" Ron said.

"Oh you do?" Y/N replied.

She smiled and kissed me again. 

"Oh yuck." Ron said. 

She laughed into my lips. Everyone was laughing at Ron's horrid expressions. 

"Its disgusting. And we all know shes with him for the chosen ones title."Draco piped up.

"Oh you're so right Draco." She stepped back and bowed.

"My majesty." She said.

"My queen." I said as i played along. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. 

"Alright kids you can go early i couldn't find what i was looking for." Professor Sprout said as she entered the room. 

Everyone started to clear out of the greenhouse. I stepped outside holding y/ns hand.

"I know you have detention all the time, and i know she used crucio on you." I told her.

She looked wide eyed. "You read my diary, what other entries did you read?" She asked me.

"Nothing really.." My voice trailed on.

"I read the one about Blaise stopping Draco." 

She sighed. "Yea..." 

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"For the same reason you didn't tell me about all the night mares. I didn't want to worry you."

I tensed up. I let out a sigh. 

"Come on." She said as she grabbed my hand.

We ran into the rain. I pulled her close. 

We danced. She laid her head on my chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

A/N Hello everyone. Please vote and comment! Happy Reading-M

Word count: 906 words

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