Resplendent (6.4)

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(N/N = nickname)

(Harry POV) 

I walked with Hermonie and Ron down to the main hall. It was our Hogsmeade trip.

"Wheres y/n?" Ron asked.

"I dunno, probably doing girl stuff." I replied with a smile.

"Right here." She said as she ran down the hall.

"Little late there N/N. We almost left for Hogsmeade without you." Hermonie said giving her a hug.

"Oh shut it 'Mione." She said with a laugh.

The girls linked arms and skipped down the hall.

I shrugged at Ron and we followed.

"You guys are going too fast." I said with a laugh. 

They raced off leaving us in the dust.

(Hermonie POV)

"So whats up with you and Harry?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" She said as we slowed our pace to a walk.

"You guys seem to be... hiding secrets." I said with a smirk.

Her face went red as she looked down.

"Sexual tension are high?" I asked her with a laugh.

She blushed and lightly punched me in the arm.

Her eyes widened and a smile spread across her face and she nodded.

"HAHAHA!"  I laughed ruffling her hair.

"We should- i- uh get back to the boys." She muttered out.

"Oh yea you'd like that wouldn't you." I said with a laugh.

She looked horrified.

"Shut it 'Mione." She said as she ran to the boys.


"Hi!" I said with a smile. Hermonie laughed at my still red expression.

"Shut it." I said.

The boys looked confused.

I jumped on Harry's back as he gave me a piggyback ride the rest of the way.

"Sexual tensions are high?" He whispered to me.

I must have looked horrified because he laughed.

"Y-you heard her?" I croaked out.

He laughed. "Yes Miss. Black. And i'm sure practically everyone else did too."

I looked at Hermonie.

"I'm going to kill you Hermonie Granger." I said through gritted teeth. Her and Ron laughed.


(Harry POV)

We made it down to Hogsmeade and walked into the 3 broomsticks.

"Four Butter beers please!" Ron told the waiter.

"Oh, bloody hell. Slick git" 

We all looked so see Ginny and Dean snogging in the corner. 

"Honestly Ronald, see they're only holding hands. And snogging." Hermonie said taking a drink.

"I'd like to leave." Ron said.

"What? You can't be serious."

"That happens to be my sister."

"So? What if she looked at me and saw you snogging me? Would you expect her to get up and leave?"

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