Tom Riddle (7.12)

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(Y/N POV) 

    We ran down a hallway as we stopped dead in our tracks. Hunched over 2 kids was Greyback. I looked closer and recognized one of the bodies as Lavender Brown."No!" Hermonie screamed as the wolf looked up. Ron spat a charm that made the wolf fly back. I ran up and recognized the other kid as Talon. I dropped to the ground as i held the boy in my arms. 'He's only a second year' i thought as Harry pulled me up. "We have to hurry i'm sorry." He said as he pulled me along.

    Us four ran down the stairs by the water. Chaos was setting in all around. Death Eaters were attacking, dead bodies lay strewn everywhere. Harry gripped my hand tighter. I looked back and saw Hermonie and Ron hand in hand. Remembering the bets i had made with the twins about them. They owed me about 60 galleons at this point. I let out a shaky breath i hadn't realized i was holding. I looked at Harry. Remembering the little kid he use to be. His messy raven hair now dirtied with blood and dirt. His glasses that brought back so many memories were now cracked. I looked to the school that had sections on fire and remembered the day we took boats out. How perfect the school looked.

I could see where Hagrids cabin would now be. The cabin that housed tears and laughs now left to ashes. The chirps from birds over head now replaced with screams and bangs. I let a warm tear roll down my face. We stopped at the cabin as we heard talking inside.

"You have extra-ordinary magic with this wand, My Lord, in the last few alone." I heard a voice say. I peered in at the sight of Snape.

"No! No! I am extraordinary." I heard the unmistakable voice of Voldemort say.

"There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander has said it. Tonight, when the boy comes. It will not fail you, I am sure ... It to you, and you only."

"Does it?" Voldemort said.

"My Lord?" Asked Snape.

"The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a man, Severus. Surely you must know...does its true lie? With you..." Voldemort sneered. 

I wanted to rush in and shove their wands so far up thei-

"Of course, My Lord." Snape said interrupting my thoughts.

"The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, because I am not it's true master. The Wand to the wizard who killed its last owner." He paused. You killed Dumbledore, Severus." Snape backed against the fogged glass. Me and Harry moved to the side inorder for him to not see us. 

"While you live, the Elder Wand be mine. You've been a good and servant, Severus. But only I can live forever." 

"My Lord..." Snape begged.

"Nagini, kill!" Voldemort said.

Snapes body hit the window as he fell to the ground. There was 2 more bangs. We then watched as Voldemort apperated away. Before Harry could react i ran inside. Harry soon followed.

Harry placed his hand on Snape's neck to cover the bleed. I rummaged through my bag looking for anything we could use.

"Take them." Snape said softly.

"Hermonie a vial, a glass, anything!" 

I looked in my bag as well and pulled out my old liquid luck vial.

"Y/N," Snape said shakily. I looked at him with my glossed over eyes. He held his hand up to my face. "You look just like your mother. Veelas, so elegant and yet i always knew you had a eye for mischief. Dumbledore still owes me 30 galleons on you two." He said. I stood stunned. He turned to Harry.

"Look at me." He told Harry. Harry looked him in the eyes.

"You have your mother's eyes." He told Harry with a small smile. A genuine one. The first time i had ever actually seen him smile. And like that he was gone. I let a tear roll down my face. I thought of the times that this teacher had actually been nice to me. In my fourth year, after Voldemort had taken me. He sat next to me. I had shrugged it off because i was too busy thinking about how i had almost died. Harry stood. 

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