Ron's away (7.6)

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~Small recap~ 

P.S This story is Hella long. Sorry about that.

(Harry POV)

"You can get going on the tent." Hermonie told me as she waved her arm around.

"Tent?" I asked.

"Protego Totalum." Hermonie said sending a small spark around us.

"Where am I supposed to find a tent?" I exclaimed.

I looked to y/n for help. She rolled her eyes and played with the horcrux around her.

"Repello Muggletum. Muffliato." Said Hermonie.

Hermonie pointed to the bag. I dug through it finding a tent that me and Y/N set up.


"Here give it." I said holding out my hand for the horcrux. She handed it to me and instantly sighed a sigh of relief.

"You first." Ron whispered. I set the Horcrux on a rock.

Before i could even say anything y/n sent a spew of curses at it.

"Dissendium. Incendio. Expulso. Diffindo. Reducto." She sighed seeing as it hadn't affected the horcrux.

"What are you doing?" She asked me as i put it on.

"We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it. And it affects you more." I told her. She gave a soft smile.

"Seems strange, mate." Ron said. I turned to them. The girls went off the go cook dinner.

"Dumbledore sends you off... .to find all these Horcruxes, but doesn't tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't that bother you?" He finished. It was true. It did bother me. Why would he do that....


I sat on the couch with y/n. Hermonie was making the beds.

Y/N was playing with my hand drawing random shapes into them. I smiled at how concentrated she was.

I pulled her close wrapping my arm around her. She laid her arm on my chest.

"We'll be okay, i promise." I told her. She looked at me. 

"Don't make promises, You dont know that." She said. I tried to speak but she kissed my lips shutting me up. She stood up and walked to Ron. It seemed She and Ron got super close lately.


I walked to Ron and sat down next to him and slowly took the wrap off his arm.

He grimaced as i took the sheet off the wound. I sat up to go get the bottle from Hermonie. I ran my hand through his hair messing it all up and gave him a side hug. I then walked to Hermonie.

"Hermonie wheres the Essence of Dittany?" I asked her.

She pulled the bottle out of her pocket and gave it to me.

"Thanks 'Mione." I said.

"No problem." She replied.

I walked to the sink and filled a bowl up with warm water and grabbed a rag. 

I walked back over to Ron. He had the radio on. I dipped the rag in the water and cleaned the area up, earning a few yelps from Ron. I finally added a few drops of the liquid and got him new wraps.

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