First weekend

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Amie awoke rather early the next day - considering it was a Saturday. Even Hermione wasn't up yet. But someone else was; as Amie walked downstairs into the common room, she saw Harry sitting in an armchair beside the fireplace, writing a letter. 
"Hm," Amie said, amusedly. Harry twitched and looked up.
"Oh, it's you," he said, his face relaxing a bit.
"You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" Amie guessed. Harry smiled a bit. "Oh, well, I guess it's okay, s'long as you're careful."
"Think this is careful enough?" Harry asked, presenting her with the letter. Amie took a seat in an armchair beside him, and read:

Dear Snuffles,

Hope you're okay, the first week back here's been terrible, I'm really glad it's the weekend.
We've got a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Umbridge. She's nearly as nice as your mum.
I'm writing because that thing I wrote to you about last summer happened again last night when I was doing a detention with Umbridge.
We're all missing our biggest friend, we hope he'll be back soon.
Please write back quickly.


"Well done, Harry." Amie praised, impressed. "I don't see how anyone, besides him, would know what you're saying."
"That's what I was going for," Harry smiled.
"You want company to the owlery? I thought I would go for a run, seeing as the weathers nice, and there's no school today, but since you're here.." Amie trailed off.
"Oh no, do go on, I know how much you enjoy running in the morning," Harry said. Amie smiled.
"Okay," she agreed. "But I'll walk with you to the stairs at least."
Harry sealed his letter carefully, and they left the common room. Reaching the staircase, Amie said goodbye to Harry, as he walked forward and she walked downstairs. Exiting the school and walking out into the sunshine, Amie took a deep breath of fresh air before starting to run her normal route, while at Hogwarts. Half an hour later, she was finished, so she decided to go to the great hall and eat breakfast, before freshening up in the dormitory. 

"Hey," Amie said happily, sliding into a seat next to Hermione and across from Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table.
"Hi Ames," Hermione and Ron said together, as Harry nodded in her direction.
"Look at this," Hermione continued, showing her the Daily Prophet she was reading. It was an article saying that the Ministry'd received a tip-off that Sirius was in London.
"Oh, no," Amie said, her good mood plummeting a little. "Malfoy?" she asked, remembering Draco's warning on the train - Lucius must've told the Ministry.
"Probably," Hermione nodded.
"Anything else?" Amie asked.
"Yeah, well, you know Sturgis Podmore?"
"Yeah, he was supposed to be our guard to King's Cross, wasn't he?" Amie frowned, wondering where Hermione was going with this.
"Yes. Well, he's been sentenced to six months in Azkaban for trying to break through a door in the Ministry, on the night before we came here." Hermione explained rather quickly.
"What!?" Amie said, in shock.
"Yeah," Hermione nodded.
It was quiet for a moment.
"Anyway, I think we should tackle that essay for Sprout on Self-Fertilizing Shrubs first, and if we're lucky we'll be able to start McGonagall's Inanimatus Conjurus before lunch. . . ."
Amie saw Ron and Harry looking at each other in a weird - maybe guilty or annoyed? - way, and she understood that they had different plans for today than to study. True to her suspicision, not long after that, the boys were heading towards the Quidditch pitch to practise, before their actual practice after lunch. Hermione had tried to warn them that they would fail their O.W.L.s, she even told them she wouldn't let them copy off of her anymore. So it was just Amie and Hermione, spending the first half of the day in the common room, studying. When lunch came, Amie was rather pleased with the work she'd done - she didn't feel guilty at all to go to Quidditch practise after lunch, where Hermione told the boys how irresponsible they were.
"Let them worry about their own schoolwork, Hermione," Amie said. "Come on, time for practice,"
Amie and the boys made their way down to the pitch - Ron growing quiter for every step - and into the changing rooms.

Amie and the Army (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 5 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now